Steep Slope - Suggestions/Problems?


Well-Known Member
Are there any problems with growing a plant on a steep slope? Will it have advantages of not being able to be over-watered as easily? Will it have any disadvantages?


Well-Known Member
Advantage.....good sun exposure if facing south,
Disadvantage....possible accessibility problem. Good for thieves though.

I wouldn't be concerned about over watering, I would be concerned about under watering. How is it going to get watered thoroughly?


Well-Known Member
IMO - no disadvantages as long as you leave your back filled hole a few inches below grade, so when you water or feed it all goes in your hole and not run down the slope.


Well-Known Member
Okay, well i was thinking about running a hose fitting to the top of the hill so all i have to do is hook/hose up pump to water from a distance.

I mean its probably a 45 degree slope not too bad.

South west facing


Well-Known Member
Makes sure you have a good 6 inches more of a lip at the front of the hole because the pull of the water will constantly bring the dirt to the leading edge until it overflows and eventually the water will just run right out before it has a chance to soak in. Water slowly, don't just run a hose a crank it on. That will only make the problem worse