Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I may do man.. Do you know where in the room is the best place to position the DH? If it's just to small I'll buy a bigger one when my money comes in next. Dunno what the RH% is co I chucked the box :( Bummer eh?!! Yeah the hoses are a neat idea.. I heard the re-cycled water is great as an additive to nuit Res. Whats the low down on 'Super Cropping'? Are the branches seriously ok after a snap??? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i actually had the same ? about where to position the dehumidifier but i never looked into. i would assume that the more humid air would be heavier due to more H2O but i cant say that for sure. your temp device doesnt have the RH%? i thought i had seen it in the previous posts but i could be mistaken. you should find a cheapy temp and RH% device so you can figure out where the % is. from my research the ideal range is 40 to 60% RH during flower, but it seems like your in the 80 % or something if you were getting moisture on the inside of the cab. always good to recycle! super cropping is basically taking a branch between index finger and your thumb and popping the main canal that runs through the stem. this causes stunted growth in the area and allows for a knot to be grown where the popping occured. it allows for the rest of the plant to catch up and produces a stirdier stem. ill get a pic in a few days and show you an example of where i supercropped and the plant recovered. ive even had some where the branch is completly sideways and floppy and still survives. MJ is very strong willed plant and can take alot before giving up on you.

edit- i had a chance to grab a couple shots for u



Well-Known Member
I decided to cut out the nearest Tomato plant due to the increase in size of my GWS, by doing this will also to allow better light penetration. My reflector is unfortunately almost at its highest point... so I will continue to train the flowering stems, On my next grow however - I will either enter the flowering phase earlier and or modify the cab to allow the reflector to sit higher.

I trimmed of the lowest fan leaves which in turn opened up the lower area and allowed the Mylar to reflect up under the canopy. This will also concentrate thre GWS's energy higher up where bud production is more important - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I have just uploaded my latest pics ready for UPDATE MONDAY however my dinner is ready and I am starving :) So... Here's a taster of whats to come this week and I'll upload the rest of the pics in an hour or so :) GWS is kicking ass !! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

This pic is of my Strawberry Thai shes started flowering and looks better than last week, just watered her with nuits and a Magnesium additive today so fingers crossed she continues to do well - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Even though I took out one of the Tomato Plants they are still really thick...I may trim the lower leaves and thin them out a bit, But looking at my GWS (New Seed of Choice) I can wait to grow just weed next time. I am very happy with the way its all starting to look! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

As you can see the Tomatoes have no intention of slowing down anytime soon, I am in 2 minds whether to take out another Tomato plant and open the room up a bit more.. Time will tell, I am still training my ladies branches as the reflector cant go much higher...At least I'll know my limitations for my next grow and I'll put my ladies into flower alot sooner :) and LST till its all sweet as :) Hope your all liking my progress :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see whats happened in there by next MONDAY's UPDATE I wonder if I can REP myself lol I am impressed with my work so far :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Yeah man I was well happy when I opened my cab doors today, Its been a couple of days and I had not checked on them..So it was a great suprise to see so much greeness :) - STELTHY :leaf:
couple of days i have trouble waiting a couple of hours let a lone days.