Stem peeling question


Whatsup yall, I was trimming some bullshit branches off my blueberry skunk thats 6 weeks into flower and accidentally peeled the branch i was cutting down the main stem somewhat deep a little over an inch. My question is will it do any real harm to the plant or is it straight?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will cause some stress to the plant, shouldn't be much, as long as bugs don't get on it, keep ur area clean and inspect threwout the day till its healed, should be fine though, good luck, u have a pic? Always helps. And gets. U way more. Responces


Well-Known Member
it should fix its self and be fine bro. i have broke in half and taped back together and seen them mend themselves.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I've used electric tape on branches that broke almost clean in half, they grow back. Hell super cropping is all about breaking branches, they grow back fast.