Stems bending in 2 plants!!! in space of hours :/


Well-Known Member
I came home to find that two of my plants are extremely droppign and it feels like the stems are snapped, the leaves feal really heavy. (see pics)

i have been spraying them lately due to a outreak ibn spider mites which are now thankfully gonei have several plants but only 2 of them are like it

what could be the problem




Well-Known Member
What are you spraying with? I have found that strong pesticides can burn a plant to that point, especially when under intense lighting.

When was the last time you watered and how much water did you use? What are the size of the containers and what is the medium you are growing in?


Well-Known Member
i think it was over spraying as i got to worried and used 3 bottles worth of spray (3 litres) but it was to powerful for them, i stoped spraying and they seem to be on the way back up

thanks anyway