STI/STD? Freaking Out


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the few people that have offered actual advice. I'm heading home in 3 months time and won't see my girlfriend for 2 weeks after that. Do you think I should wait till then to get checked or sooner? I don't want to get checked too soon, think I'm in the clear, only to pass something to my GF after. I don't usually cheat on my GF this just happened out of nowhere.

What happened was, me and a friend went out for the infamous 1 beer. Most tourist areas in Thailand is full of hookers. I said on the way out I have no interest in them. 1 beer turned to 2 and quickly to 10+. The hookers don't just stand on the side of the road waiting for you to approach, although that is very common too. My friend got talking to a group of them while I was looking for something to eat. I then joined the group and was joking around with them. 1 started saying she wanted to fuck me. I told her I never pay for sex. She said she wanted to fuck me anyway. My friend forced some gell viagra down my throat and off we went. I didn't pay her for sex but at the end of the day she was a hooker. It something that I didn't plan to do but it happened. To make things worse the condom broke and I got head off her twice with no condom on. I think the girls in the bars get checked but we picked these ones up outside a bar. Everything was closing up so hopefully they were finished their shift and they weren't ones that walk the street. First thing i did the next morning was tell her to fuck off, except much more politely that that. She said she wanted to stay another night, for free, but I was having none of it. 100% true story to anyone who thinks it's a joke. If you've been to Thailand before you'd know that this is the type of thing that happens nearly every night you go out over here if you let your guard down.


New Member
Once I was driving around aimlessly, saw this women standing at the side of the road waving at cars. I figured there was a good chance of being a hooker but she wasn't in hooker territory. It was raining, so I turned around looking for her. Didn't see her. Little farther up the road there she was again so I pulled over and picked her up.

I said did you need a ride somewhere? I saw you twice now. She goes oh yea I just got ripped off by my friend for <some large amount of money> later on she goes I'll suck your dick for $5. I thought it was meant to be because I had $5 in my pocket and I usually don't have a $5 bill. Then she says well I don't have any condom is that ok? I was like sure what ever. So I ended up giving her that $5 and a bunch of 7/11 coupons.

She was pretty hot women in her 30's. Really good head but afterwards it was like oh my god what did I just do I'm going to get something. Paranoia ensued but nothing happened of it. So good luck its actually pretty hard to catch a disease like AIDS but it is possible.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day.. I screwed every hooker in the PI and never got a thing, my cousin on the other hand caught the clap so much they confined him to the ship. He asked me what my secret was and all I could come up with was I took a good piss and washed my dick right after.. Good times Good drugs!!!! God I miss the PI!!!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I hate to tell you this but what you need to worry about is hepititis c....All those asain contries are infested with joke, google it man...just giving you a heads up...


Hep C is no longer classified as an STD. They used to believe it could be transmitted via sexual contact, but it turns out the risk of contracting it (especially for males) from having sex is very low. Most people get hepatitis C from sharing contaminated needles due to intravenous drug use.

The risk of getting an STD is generally lower for males, females are at greater risk because they are the ones getting penetrated and they are also more likely to bleed during intercourse. Of course, males DO get STDs, frequently enough and even though their partner may not have appeared to have any visible sores or other symptoms. Most people who have an STD don't even realize that they do.

Like everyone else said you've got to get tested and hope for the best. A simple blood test will check for herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts\HPV etc. And not to frighten you, but there are some varieties of these STI's which aren't even tested for. Might want to ask your doctor about those. You'll probably turn out just fine, though.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
hepetitis c, hiv,genital warts, herpes....just to name a few...the best precaution would have been not to fuck a hooker at is nothing you can do at all...just cross your fingers , pray, and wait
I agree but do more than pray. I was an EMT and got an accidental needle stick while helping restrain a combative patient.
The nurses squeezed the shit out of the site to make it bleed out, then scrubbed the shit out of the area.
Over about three months I had multiple blood tests. The time it happened, another test every two weeks for three months before I was given the all clear. The patient turned out to have Hep.C but I had already gotten the three shot Hep.C vaccinations so I was protected.
I would not touch my wife until I was cleared. I suggest wait for your results before doing anything with anyone else for their protection.


Well-Known Member
Man this is an OLD post..
Up date...
His dick fell off and he was put on an island with
all the other dirty dicks..