Stickstones first grow ever - outdoors


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd do a journal since I am documenting with pics. I started with four seeds germed in soil. Three of them sprouted. Two of them stretched and died. The last one got knocked over as soon as it sprouted but did well. Later it stretched and I started burying the stem to help it out. I eventually transplanted it into the ground as a last ditch hope. It was slowly dying after the stretch, but I didn't know this until I transplanted it about two weeks later.


Well-Known Member
Ok...enough of that depressing shit. Once I saw the writing on the wall I decided to germ some more. It was early May, so the season was still good to start an outdoor grow.

I picked the worst seven seeds (I have 9 good ones left for when I know what the hell I'm doing) and germed them in a paper towel in a cup. Four sprouted quickly and the other three took some work. Eventually all made it to soil, after which three never made it out. So now I am down to four, but I think they are good ones.

The plan is to keep them in 3 gallon pots for the long haul and LST them so I can keep them outdoors, stealthy and mobile.

Here's pics of all four, the fastest growing one, and the now dead one.


Well-Known Member
Roids and Greenjeans have spots on some of their leaves, but I don't think it is anything serious.

This grow is going to be pretty simple. Leave them outside and let nature do it. They are in pots, so I may need to tend to them some, but I am using a time release soil (I'm a noob, what do you want?). The only real attention I plan to give them after repotting is the LST.

It seems to me that outdoor growing is SLOW. I keep seeing you guys with indoor grow pics of full-on bushes at 5 weeks veg and I get jealous! I gotta get me some kind of indoor bubbleponic setup.

BTW, all the seeds I am using are bagseed. Good stuff that was reported to be outdoor grown in northern california as medi's.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I should rename this thread 'how to kill every plant you grow'.

I went out today to check on them and Roids was leaning a little. Turns out its got the same problem as the other three plants that have died.

I repotted it up to the first node leaves. It's been growing a lot between those leaves and the top. But now it is bent just below the lowest leaves. I am doing nothing but leaving it outside in good sunlight. The bend has a slight maroon color to it.

I am gonna put a stake in the soil and tie it to it. I hope that works. Any advice is welcome.

Here's some pics of the lean, and when I don't prop it up with soil.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I just tied the plant up to a stake. I tied it in two places: one at the bend that is now just below soil level; one near the top to keep it up. I also moved it into an area that does not get direct sunlight, but gets plenty of indirect light. It won't get any wind there, though.

I fear the stem is too pinched to live.

Feel free to help me out here!



Well-Known Member
Well, as long as I am killing plants I might as well try some new methods. Last night my plants were near the house in the rain, but one of the smaller ones (Jack Black -- sucks...I liked that name the best) was under the roof edge line. It got fuckin' obliterated by a two-story free fall of water. This was so stupid it didn't even piss me off...just gotta laugh.

I cut a straw and dug out the now buried seedling and supported it with the straw. In the process the little top broke off completely, so I don't expect to have this one more than a few more days.


Well-Known Member
i dont think growing marijuana is for you
...just smoke it
Quite possibly the best advice anyone has ever given me on this site!

Get your licks in now...I only have two healthy plants left!

Anyone want to set the over/under on how long they survive?


Well-Known Member
Well, at least Roids is not leading me on like the last one did. This dude is wasted from the stem stretch and bend. Although it is not dying like the other one. This one is droopy as hell, whereas the other one got brown and crispy.

If any of you have ideas that might help this one make it, let me know.



Well-Known Member
Here's my final two plants. They are looking good, but small and slow growing as hell. I will continue to put them in the sunlight and slight breeze. I also will support them with soil until they are at the top of the pots. Then I'm gonna support them BEFORE they fall over. Finally, I will repot them when they have fully maxed out these pots and not a minute sooner.

All of this assumes, of course, they somehow escape my plant murdering rampages!

In order...Reacher and Greenjeans.

