Still need help with cloning

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Can I take cuttings of the mother and then flower her a week or two after?

No need to wait even 5 minutes, she can be put into flower whenever. Takes more than a clone to shock a plant.

Also, would it be smarter to keep her as a mother forever in the veg state and just take clones because I'm stretching for about 20 clones. Any help is very greatly appreciated.
Don't quite follow the second question, the point of a mother plant is that you keep it veging, else you're just growing a plant. Typically you have a mother who gives clones, these cloes then get flowered out. If space is tight people go the toehr way and clone the mother, then while the clone is growing up they flower the mother, clone becoming new "mother"


Active Member
Don't quite follow the second question, the point of a mother plant is that you keep it veging, else you're just growing a plant. Typically you have a mother who gives clones, these cloes then get flowered out. If space is tight people go the toehr way and clone the mother, then while the clone is growing up they flower the mother, clone becoming new "mother"
I meant to say. I'm trying to get about 20 clones. I have only one mother plant. Should I just take several clones of this mother then put her into flowering and use a new clone for a mother and keep taking clones until I achieve the amount I want? Or do I keep one mother plant and take clones until I have 20?


Well-Known Member
Id clone the mum and keep her, more mature plants make better cuttings. Take a few cuttings and if you have the space make another mum or two out of whatever cuttings grow the best. That way your not relying on one mum to be productive. If you dont have the space for large mum try googling "bonsai moms"

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Um, wait till the mother can give 20 clones then take 20 clones. Really doesn't take very long for a mother to grow that many branches


Until you get more experienced, take new clones from the finish-vegged clones just before you flower them, keep the mum perpetually vegging and supplement with clones from her for your flowering scheme if you need them, and change her out once in a while with one of her OWN cuts to keep the mum-line as close to the original plant generation wise as possible.

Hehehe did you get that?

It's a way of doing things that will sort of safekeep the mother should she sour up on you, cause then you have clones from clones in your production routine to replace her with. And trust me, you WILL fuck her up as a new grower - probably in the matter of everything from a few weeks to a very few months...

Search for the article "bonsai mums", there's a shitload of general info there on keeping mother plants healthy and long-lived. I think perhaps it's even a sticky?

Good luck.