Still not flowering...


Active Member
I have a small geurilla grow and went out to check it, and noticed my plants still arent flowering and havent seen any males yet. They are BC Pinewarp, about 5-6ft so far, they were vegged indoors for about a month and put outside near the end of may, do they bloom late or is something wrong?


Active Member
Ok, Aug 30 and still not flowering.....still no males showing....some are showing pre-flowers.

At this rate they wont be done till late october, early november, i'm scared it will be too late now.


Cross your fingers,say a prayer to the Hemp Gods,and keep it movin!!!!!
Ok, Aug 30 and still not flowering.....still no males showing....some are showing pre-flowers.

At this rate they wont be done till late october, early november, i'm scared it will be too late now.


Active Member
Not enough information.
They are BC Pinewarp that I germed, they vegged under 1000w MH for 4 weeks before I put them outside on may 20th.

Planted in 10g grow bags, in promix hp. The only thing I have given them every 4 weeks is the advanced nutrients spring/summer/fall food. Just started the fall blend.

I am in the vancouver area, the first frost is usually near the beginning of november.
Can I give them anything to help trigger flowering, its a geurilla grow which is difficult to get to so manually controlling 12 hrs of light every day just wont work. I read that if you give them something high in potassium it sometimes triggers flowering, or is this just a myth?


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of potassium triggering flowering. Sounds like old voodoo myths to me. I'd go with the old stand by methods of adding a two inch layer of mulch. That should help insulate the heat in the ground. From there just keep an eye on the weather by visiting Weather Channel's website. If you think a cold snap is coming, rush to your grow, cover them with a tarp for the night, and hope for the best.

If you were growing on your property I would say rig up a cold frame, but I doubt that's practical where your growing at.