Stilled Banned, LOL!


New Member
"ancient structures, bottomless lakes, strange holes and VERY BIZZARE land formations"
You've piqued my intrest all ready, what are some of these things you speak of?
Mystic Michigan , there are 3 books to this set that I know of and the shit is real for the most part besides the odd shit like glowing graves ;)


New Member
Snob you have a rich and interesting heritage. I've enjoyed looking into some of the things that HGK and yourself have been discussing.
Thanks Cephalopod , I am blessed in a sense but must pay dues of respect to those who went through hell falling from grace while passing on what they could .


Well-Known Member
I think a trip to the detroit public library is in order too, they got some really really old books there. I'm heading down there this week sometime.

Check out hart plaza too, and the layout of detroit, the architects who designed it, reasons for what they did, and their beliefs. will make you look twice next time you drive by ole joe lewis's fist. (the whole stargate idea is pretty out there but its on the right path i think)

This is a big ole world we live in. a very SMALL group of people want to control it and have for a very very long time. who that group is and there reasons for what they do are far beyond the scope of my knowledge. (so many variables and possibilities) Greed being the most likely reason. (probably no single group, a few groups of powerful people attempting to take control)

The reasons behind the countless reports of giants being covered up? The reason why Ole mr. columbus is elevated to godlike status? Manifest destiny. would be tough to buy the story that WE humans are MEANT to CONTROL and RULE this planet if Copper wielding giants were the norm and traveling across the ocean wasn't that big of a deal. just think at how much less valuable goods from the new world would of been if it would of been known how easy/oftenly made the trip was.

Step 1 Create a lie.
Step 2 Sell the lie.
Step 3 Use the lie for control
Step 4 profit!

When england battled napoleon they won. But someone got home before the soldiers and made sure everyone thought that france won and the french army was on their way to take over....... same person who spread that lie bought up all the banks of england and other businesses for pennies on the dollar. well after it was found england won everything was worth countless % more.

If the venetians were able to keep the location of the copper secret They basically win the bronze age. but then you gotta wonder, were the venetians working with natives? i assume so, their is no way they could of brought a crew to take the copper and leave over and over without native intervention.

Sorry for derailing this thread but I'm not really Posting over anything important :shock: Im working on a new Ancient discoveries thread that I'm sure we can transfer these conversations to when I'm finished with it.

P.S. The venetians are ancient hebrews...... that ruled people by lending to them.... sound familiar? travelled the world trading in rare goods. a very secretive group that used their maritime knowledge to prosper.



Well-Known Member
Don't mind the different text on the last post. i took to long typing it out and had to relog in and Copied and pasted my own post. changed the text tho.. weird


Well-Known Member
C'mon blissfest. Cut out the retarded hic impersonation.

We all know that the real hic starts every post with one word, then a dash, then some nonsensical ramblings.

Like this....


don't you just say what you have to say to abe under your own screen name blissfest?

Damn kids
WTF? Dude you owe me an apololgy, just got home from one of my kids graduation, and I dont roll with multiple screen names LOL!

Fuckin kids;)


Well-Known Member
that's an interesting theory Stow and the same thing crossed my mind initially, but it's really hic. motor buds confirmed that he's been episodic at the 3mg recently. plus poor guy had to attempt to re-rep himself w the onslaught of grow pics which is customary for hic when he's down. see previous page, I recognize his filthy basement in the first's just a perfect storm of retards between blissfest and hic. maybe a full-moon soon (?) and as much of a negative trolling pc of shit blissfest is, I still can't imagine him going to that length. I don't intend on anymore flame wars w either of theses bastards, I know it slows the site down and ppl don't really want to read that garbage.
Abe, you're are just pissed that us REAL growers can see right thru your BS, and have exposed you as a fucking fraud and cannabis noob.

If you just acted real, and not such a sacastic fake you would be much better off.

Man, I would have helped any of you guys out with all the growing knowledge I have, but instead you like to pick fights and piss people off?

I just dont get it.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Those motherfuckers dont know what day it is?

And if ABE trys to talk to me I will track him down and kill him

Same with that Purtz motherfucker, I want to kick his lazy fuckin ass:)
I may post high, You post drunk. I know who you are. You do not know who I am.


Well-Known Member
I may post high, You post drunk. I know who you are. You do not know who I am.
Was that about the MMMA site, cant recall, but I do remember reading countless posts of yours that was basically just spewing nonsense.

And Abe, I really dont care who you are, and I am sorry that I let you rub me the wrong way, I should have just ignored you and let it go, my mistake.

Im a legal MI. caregiver and im thinking you must be too, so we are on this board for what should be the same reasons, info and knowledge of whats happening in our State, agree?


Well-Known Member
...can't recall exactly why I threatened to track you down and kill you. roflmao. Must have been in a bad mood that day?:roll:
Anyway, I still feel like you owe me the apology.


Well-Known Member
I don't if it's the medibles, but I can feel the love. Lol
"....and I am sorry that I let you rub me the wrong way, I should have just ignored you and let it go, my mistake..Im a legal MI. caregiver and im thinking you must be too, so we are on this board for what should be the same reasons, info and knowledge of whats happening in our State, agree?"
Now that's taking the high road.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Was that about the MMMA site, cant recall, but I do remember reading countless posts of yours that was basically just spewing nonsense.

And Abe, I really dont care who you are, and I am sorry that I let you rub me the wrong way, I should have just ignored you and let it go, my mistake.

Im a legal MI. caregiver and im thinking you must be too, so we are on this board for what should be the same reasons, info and knowledge of whats happening in our State, agree?
yes, but I'll add that I've made a few decent friends and networked while here... so it has been more than an educational tool for me. I'm aware that I can be cynical and ramble but I really don't have a superiority complex for whatever reason. Let's just keep it arms length and one day I may learn to better appreciate your contributions.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Abe, im all for not fucking with each other, we are on the same team and I now realize that.


Well-Known Member
^ Pure michigan too.... we can stab each other while sleeping with each others girlfriends right after stealing each others last $ and 10 min later be brothers cause someone needs a ride to work. or some other guy you don't know slept with your GF and you need help beating him up ! Ole reagan had the idea :shock:


New Member
yes, but I'll add that I've made a few decent friends and networked while here... so it has been more than an educational tool for me. I'm aware that I can be cynical and ramble but I really don't have a superiority complex for whatever reason. Let's just keep it arms length and one day I may learn to better appreciate your contributions.

OHHHHHH shut your mouth you lying snake! I had to do it . I had to read one more just to see how you sneak and slither back in..... Your a joke abe and you make me sick.


New Member
This is abby...... " I like friends,puppies,networking, However I love to tear down in the name of nothingness".

I will tell you the truth...If you think abby is cool you my friend are a damn fool!


New Member
Someone wants me to tell you abby if you do not change your ways your name will not be found in the Book Of Life. This will make you sad abby so change your sly ways because they are watching you 2.

I just assume like the others that are no longer here to just choke the fuck out of you as you I really do not give a fuck but you are not allowed to be you any more. This is 2.


Well-Known Member
Hic, I think its best to just not let anything bother you, im tryin that approach and kinda like it. Abe and Homeless I hope will try and do the same. For some reason I just didn't like those two from the very start, but im over it now.


Active Member
ok i propose a tag team fight to the death winners get RIU lol and whatever useless internet cred this fight is over.