Stinkbudd1's~Royal Haze~ Cali Hash~Green Poison 3 Gallon 400Watt (Long Veg) Yield Try


Active Member
very nice looking growroom stinkbudd i like the setup and the cfl's look like they could help add more yield for sure with the added spectrum


Well-Known Member
very nice looking growroom stinkbudd i like the setup and the cfl's look like they could help add more yield for sure with the added spectrum
thanks they are looking pretty good for now i hope the extra cfl's will help them fatten up some in the long next run will be a 600 at least..


Well-Known Member
just gave the girls a really good feeding and as i said added a few extra lights to the mix 194 watts to be exact so im hopeing they finish well!!!


Active Member
so have you looked mroe into making it rain? i was reading this guys thread and he got 2 o's from some cfl's by making it still tyring to get the concept as i have read it a couple times maybe reading it a couple more times will help....his buds were nice and fat he lst'd them....and they all looked delicious lol northern lights grow


Well-Known Member
so have you looked mroe into making it rain? i was reading this guys thread and he got 2 o's from some cfl's by making it still tyring to get the concept as i have read it a couple times maybe reading it a couple more times will help....his buds were nice and fat he lst'd them....and they all looked delicious lol northern lights grow
Actually no i have not yet begun to apply that method at least not to it's fullest..What i have been doing is when i feed i feed real heavy and when i water the next two rounds i completely flush the soil until almost clear and the and then topp it off with about a cup of 1/2 strenght nutes...if you understand what im doing, im more so trying to be sure not to get any nute lock out or anything like that ang get maximum uptake..


Active Member
i understand what your using mg soil and i didnt add anything to it like perlite or anything and it seems to hold the water a lil to much.... i had to cut the tops off of my lst'd girl she was too sick and unfortunately she doesnt have a pretty stink to her...smels like i have a bag of snicklefritz as they call it other 3 girls are doing real good going to update tomoro.... my next grow im going to try and make my own soil...
good top soil
peat moss
bone meal
blood meal
gaia green power bloom and bat guano
worm castings

my own version of the super there anything else i should be adding to this mixture?


Well-Known Member
i understand what your using mg soil and i didnt add anything to it like perlite or anything and it seems to hold the water a lil to much.... i had to cut the tops off of my lst'd girl she was too sick and unfortunately she doesnt have a pretty stink to her...smels like i have a bag of snicklefritz as they call it other 3 girls are doing real good going to update tomoro.... my next grow im going to try and make my own soil...
good top soil
peat moss
bone meal
blood meal
gaia green power bloom and bat guano
worm castings

my own version of the super there anything else i should be adding to this mixture?
That sounds good to me, dont forget to drop you a lil bit of lime in there to keep that soil good and balanced for you it also helps to keep your ph just right...


Active Member
oh yea dolomite lime thanks going t be picking this up within the next couple of weeks by them my bubblelicous purple kush and aroma should be ready to be transplanted and im going to attempt my first set of clones from each plant


Well-Known Member
:clap:here are the girls,



Well-Known Member
As you can see, the RH is doing just fine now but i may have to re-pot her she has gotton so big well over two feet now i hope she is done growing upwards,she is starting to fill out the bud sights which is great..And then ther is the PK x SDG all three of them are doing great on the oldest one i still do not see any bannanas yet i look closely with m scope because everytime i take pic's i get this light green spots in the bud area that gets me paranoid,lol but i have not found any yet so..and last but not least is the lil engine that did she is one amazing lil devil and speaking of devil i finally figured out what she is its the freebie from the tude speed devil i had to look up all my previous orders and figure out what seeds i messed up and which ones i actually germed and there you have it..Enjoy the pic's and all coments are welcome..Peace


Well-Known Member
So here they are and only took 9 days from order and all of them in great shape none busted..Now im waiting on my Purps and Blackwater from my last order of this year and my future grows will be ready..By the way had to throw you a pic of my B-day gift from the ole girl she love's me because i keep her smoken!!!lol:-P

Cant wait to get started on the new grow,and that dont mean i dont love my other girls..I just like a fresh start every now and again..:-o



Well-Known Member
OOP's i made a mistake, the beans i got (Blackwater and Da purps are from single seeds centre not Attitude i got 4 of each to grow out with my Killing Kush..So i'll have to rename my new sig to Da Purps not Deep Purple..The only thing is they are all reg's i hope that i get a good ratio of females out of the 12 to do what i want with them,That is cross the KK with both the Purps and the BW and still have at least 5 girls to run straight through too harvest without seeds..


Active Member
nice stinkbudd thigns are looking great... so kc brains not really a big fan of them so far 3 seeds are junk...germing 3 more...and out of those 3 only 1 is starting to split.....and pretty sure my aroma is not growing started to push out of the ground and its been at a standstill for a couple of days.... my bubblelicous is doing great same with my im thinking of making another order myself...and im not sure where i am going to order from....have you heard good or bad things about bc bud depot? looking at godbud and grapegod........before i forget ncie looking watch


Well-Known Member
nice stinkbudd thigns are looking great... so kc brains not really a big fan of them so far 3 seeds are junk...germing 3 more...and out of those 3 only 1 is starting to split.....and pretty sure my aroma is not growing started to push out of the ground and its been at a standstill for a couple of days.... my bubblelicous is doing great same with my im thinking of making another order myself...and im not sure where i am going to order from....have you heard good or bad things about bc bud depot? looking at godbud and grapegod........before i forget ncie looking watch
Hey thanks for the watch comp! now i have one more darn thing to remind me of how long it is before anyway i've heard good and some bad about bc depot but you really have to take it with a grain of salt far more possitive then not, so i say go for it ...I just got the sannies and im really happy with the fast and honest service nice new strains as well plus the freebies..i want to see some pic's of the pk to so post some when you can..


Active Member
yea its beeen awhile since i had an update still cant find my camera charger going to ahve to buy a new heading to the room right now be back within the hour with some and bubblelicous

and the watch bro is sick lol i know what you sayin tho....


Well-Known Member
yea its beeen awhile since i had an update still cant find my camera charger going to ahve to buy a new heading to the room right now be back within the hour with some and bubblelicous

and the watch bro is sick lol i know what you sayin tho....
thanks im posting s few more pic's as well,just for the hell of it...



Well-Known Member
Yes thats is the question,i think my Royal highness my actually be a cross dresser!!:sad:
I went in to give them a good feeding today and took some close-ups and woa! i looked real hard and cant tell if these are bananna's forming or not..So you all be the judges,here are the pic's and if so i am totally done with female seeds from here on out!! 18.00 f*****g bean and a hermie..Bullshit:wall:

