stoner manners

Im stoned

ok this is about stoner etiquette .
1. pass the the left! like that one song "pass the dutchie to the left hand side"
2. dont be a bong hog! no one likes to smoke with a black hole lol.
3. dont be a scavanger! if you wanna smoke , ill share some , but you better bring some when i wanna toke with you!.
3. no one cares how high you are! you dont have to say "dude im so hiiiiighhh" 5 times! say "im buzzed" then " k im officially bbbbaaakkeed = D" ....
4.if you make a mess - clean it up. you spilled the ashes!
so post a reply saying some rules you think should always apply :bigjoint:

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
1. dont lip it if you are passing it. If its yours by all means suck that hog LOL..
2. If you have something to say that is going to take longer than 2.35 seconds. Pass that MFer. I wont be able to focus on what the F your saying anyway, if you got a bleezy in your hand going out.


Well-Known Member
-Calm yourself, you can ease your mind or your cough with some simple slow breathing exercises in between hits

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if you smell smoke coming from a friends room
if you not in on the smoke dont knock at the door
if i wanted to smoke with you you'll already be in the room.....

subscribed i love this


Well-Known Member
If I pack a bowl and hand it to you, don't hit it and set it down on the table. Hit it. Pass it, as in hand it to me. Don't Fucking park it. Don't make me reach over and pick it up from across the room Is that too much to ask?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
and stop bringing your non-smoking buddy in on the smoke

i hate passing the blunt to someone only to be left hanging
what the fuck are you doing in my house

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
pass the lighter with the bowl bitchhhhhhhhhhh i shouldnt have to ask for the lighter every time i get passed the bowl.

also: do not light 300$ seat covers on fire while you wait for the bowl that i packed in my car (yes, that happened to me twice).


Well-Known Member
ok this is about stoner etiquette .
1. pass the the left! like that one song "pass the dutchie to the left hand side"
2. dont be a bong hog! no one likes to smoke with a black hole lol.
3. dont be a scavanger! if you wanna smoke , ill share some , but you better bring some when i wanna toke with you!.
3. no one cares how high you are! you dont have to say "dude im so hiiiiighhh" 5 times! say "im buzzed" then " k im officially bbbbaaakkeed = D" ....
4.if you make a mess - clean it up. you spilled the ashes!
so post a reply saying some rules you think should always apply :bigjoint:
A friend with weed, is a friend indeed.


A friend without weed, is a friend you don't need.

Dick Bacco

Of few of the rules regarding smoking at my house:
Don't be a dick. It kills my high, and annoys the hell out of me.
My house, my music.If you want rap, too bad.
Save munchies for didn't pay for them. same with the weed.
Don't feed the dogs....they will bite....not intentionally. Blow smoke in their faces before you try feeding them. They like it.
As soon as we decide we are stoned enough to put down the bowl for now, we must turn on the fans and light a cigarette for everybody who smokes......nothing worse than people coming in the room with an overwhleming weed stench.


New Member
A good host sees to the needs of his/her guests.

Here.... this says it best....

A good host or hostess is warm, caring, gracious, welcoming and gives the impression that the guest is the most important person in the world and that nothing is too much trouble to ensure their comfort and contentment. A good guest doesn't test that theory. They accept the hospitality given and do not demand more or put their own needs or wants on a pedestal.
The good host is honored to offer excellent hospitality to the guest; the good guest is honored to be the recipient of that hospitality.


Well-Known Member
I'f everyone pitched in on the weed,rollers rights (who ever roll gets the first puff)


New Member
With weed.... if I am having ppl who smoke over.... I simply tell them ....there it is... roll what you want.

I don't pass cigarettes and I don't pass weed. I always found that part odd.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
a no talking crazy shit
while high (or ever)
if your going to start a conversation with what if....
keep that shit to your self


i agree with the guy above me, no crazy talk to try and kill my buzz. also i tell my friends, if you need something dont hesistate to ask for something to drink ect, i'd rather get you a cup instead of you going through every fucking cabinet in my house until you find a plastic cup

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
and no watching regular porn while getting high with the guy's
if it a famous non-porn star, home made with hoe's from around the way (work, school, or the block) it's cool
i'll watch a movie with you but i'm not watching a pron with you


New Member
I had a friend a long time ago who had only been married for ten months. We were doing a job near his house and he was like, "come on over for lunch....we can watch a movie and smoke a dooby".

Uhh, sure!

We get to his nice house and he pops in "Behind The Green Door"....

I'm like wtf? He was all into it....and was like '''"look at that cock!!".... :lol:

Oh boy.... just then his wife walks in.....and just stares at us both. She worked nearby as well and stopped home for the same thing except the dooby...she was straight.

So there we sat.... smoking weed and watching porn in her living room at 12:10 pm....

and there she stood .... 7 months PREGNANT ....

I NEVER did that again.... :lol: get me the heck out of here was all I could think about....