Stoner Taboo... HELP!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, we shouldn't live to serve some gnawing need the whole time, appart from some food.
One has to stop and set new boundaries when you become aware that you are smokeing to live and not just enjoying the odd smoke like a beer on a weekend (well for most 'normal' people).

Cannabis can be a wonderfull and enlightening thing, but it looses all novelty and value when it becomes a blanket response to everything.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I not saying I'm macho or a cool dude because I quit smoking. nor am i trying to put you down. just saying i never hear of people getting all these problems from quitting. from young to old i have seen and talk to many people who quit over the years and none of them have had symptoms like you. mostly people just have anger issues when they quit. the way you describe it its like your quitting OC's with the stomach pains, sweats, and headaches. Only thing your missing is vomiting.
I understand im not saying my symptoms are to the extreme. Just the opposite. Mild comparing to most withdrawls. Maybe even less. But my stomach feels like I haven't eaten regularly, which I haven't been because I have no appetite. The sweats come and go. It's not like im soaked...but uncomfortable is a great word. I understand a lot of people you know may not have had this happen. So out of the maybe few hundred people...and thats a LARGE exaggeration no one has had this happen. That's fine sir. But out of SIX BILLION PEOPLE I am not the only one that this has ever happened to.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, we shouldn't live to serve some gnawing need the whole time, appart from some food.
One has to stop and set new boundaries when you become aware that you are smokeing to live and not just enjoying the odd smoke like a beer on a weekend (well for most 'normal' people).

Cannabis can be a wonderfull and enlightening thing, but it looses all novelty and value when it becomes a blanket response to everything.

I love what you just wrote. Bravo!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, we shouldn't live to serve some gnawing need the whole time, appart from some food.
One has to stop and set new boundaries when you become aware that you are smokeing to live and not just enjoying the odd smoke like a beer on a weekend (well for most 'normal' people).

Cannabis can be a wonderfull and enlightening thing, but it looses all novelty and value when it becomes a blanket response to everything.

Yes sir:clap::clap: .

When i start again i think i will appreciate it alot more.
No withdraws?

Have you smoked everyday for years and then tried to quit?

I have smoked E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y. Since I was 16. (several times a day) I smoked before then, but I had a job when I was 16 so I could afford to smoke daily ;).

I quit about 2 and half years ago for 6 months, while I had a job that did random drug tests. My stomach didn't hurt, I didn't feel like dieing. Sure, I missed my reefers, and the way it made me feel, but I never became psychically ill because of it. Know why? It doesn't happen. I'm not saying this guys is "weak minded" a "Pussy" or anything of the sort. Its just a matter of self control. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm currently struggling to quit cigarettes. If I only had some self control lol. When I try to do it cold turkey, I feel like I am genuinely going insane. Not even pot can calm my head down. It feels like my head is a mess!

Anyway... Sorry if my response seemed harsh, but you truly only need self control to quit marijuana. What this guy really needs, is to find something else to do with his time. If any symptoms do occur, its likely something that has always been an issue. Anxiety, loss of appetite, irritability etc... Maybe he is subconsciously choosing to medicate himself with natures remedy. Nothing wrong with it... most of us do it. That doesn't mean weed is addictive.... cuz it's not ;)


Well-Known Member
I have smoked E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y. Since I was 16. (several times a day) I smoked before then, but I had a job when I was 16 so I could afford to smoke daily ;).

I quit about 2 and half years ago for 6 months, while I had a job that did random drug tests. My stomach didn't hurt, I didn't feel like dieing. Sure, I missed my reefers, and the way it made me feel, but I never became psychically ill because of it. Know why? It doesn't happen "TO ME". I'm not saying this guys is "weak minded" a "Pussy" or anything of the sort. Its just a matter of self control. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm currently struggling to quit cigarettes. If I only had some self control lol. When I try to do it cold turkey, I feel like I am genuinely going insane. Not even pot can calm my head down. It feels like my head is a mess!

Anyway... Sorry if my response seemed harsh, but you truly only need self control to quit marijuana. What this guy really needs, is to find something else to do with his time. If any symptoms do occur, its likely something that has always been an issue. Anxiety, loss of appetite, irritability etc... Maybe he is subconsciously choosing to medicate himself with natures remedy. Nothing wrong with it... most of us do it. That doesn't mean weed is addictive.... cuz it's not ;)
I think you need to read more carefully.
People People People. WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE NOR DID I SAY IT WAS! You can withdraw from ANYTHING that alters the chemical balances in your body. When your body becomes used to smoking EVERYDAY for 3 years...mostly're body becomes dependent on the release of chemicals that happen when you smoke for things like hunger, sleep, anxiety, etc. So when you quit your body becomes confused like hey wtf....I forgot how to do this for a second...and you got some minor withdrawls. I HAVE NEVER STATED WEED IS ADDICTIVE! NOR WILL I EVER THINK THAT! But withdrawls ARE real and if you don't think so you are ignorant...fuck you can have withdrawls from not exercising if you do it everyday then stop. If you don't think so your a fucking ignorant fool and id ask you kindly to NOT post in my thread. This isnt a thread about how marijuana is addictive guys....because i didn't say it was. This is about HOW TO COPE WITH THE VERY REAL SYMPTOMS OF STOPPING COLD TURKEY.

If they don't affect you....don't come here calling me a pussy. I'm not weak. I've had opportunity to smoke a few times in the last 3 days and haven't. Having will power or manning up isn't gonna stop my brain from kicking the shit out of my stomach.

Day 2. On a side not I was able to eat one whole corndog yesterday. HUZZAH! The stomach pain is really one of the worst symptoms but I see it passing soon. My mood isn't too bad. Some minor pissing and moaning. Sweaty a lot though. I think this might only last a week.
Read this after I already posted...

Okay so you don't think it's addictive... good. Were on the same page as far as that goes... I don't understand your stomach pain issue... at all... you say your not hungry... but your stomach hurts. Your stomach probably hurts because your hungry. Try eating light foods like salad, soup, dry sandwich... Not disgusting processed corn dogs. Gross. If that is what your diet consists of its no fucking wonder your stomach hurts. lol. I should have read your thread more carefully before adding my two cents ... I apologize for that. Seriously though, finding some new hobbies should help immensely. When I quit... I use to make hemp guitar straps, and just play my guitar (CONSTANTLY), Call of Duty was a life saver lol.... Also hikes on nature reserves. Don't know where you live, but here in Pennsylvania, the nature reserves are gorgeous.
i just recently had to quit smoking pot too for a couple months this year. I was smoking atleast 3 - 5 times a day and i had a really shitty situation and i had to stop smoking weed for drug tests. Let me tell you the first 3 days were absolutely terrible, but after about a week you start to realize that it feels kind of good not smoking weed anymore and you just gotta keep that mindset for the next 30 days or however long you're gonna quit for. im sure you'll start to like the feeling of not being a stoner after about a week or so hahha..


Active Member
Yeah man, we shouldn't live to serve some gnawing need the whole time, appart from some food.
One has to stop and set new boundaries when you become aware that you are smokeing to live and not just enjoying the odd smoke like a beer on a weekend (well for most 'normal' people).

Cannabis can be a wonderfull and enlightening thing, but it looses all novelty and value when it becomes a blanket response to everything.
Thats true about so many pleasures in life. I think some one said something similar to that in this thread.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Read this after I already posted...

Okay so you don't think it's addictive... good. Were on the same page as far as that goes... I don't understand your stomach pain issue... at all... you say your not hungry... but your stomach hurts. Your stomach probably hurts because your hungry. Try eating light foods like salad, soup, dry sandwich... Not disgusting processed corn dogs. Gross. If that is what your diet consists of its no fucking wonder your stomach hurts. lol. I should have read your thread more carefully before adding my two cents ... I apologize for that. Seriously though, finding some new hobbies should help immensely. When I quit... I use to make hemp guitar straps, and just play my guitar (CONSTANTLY), Call of Duty was a life saver lol.... Also hikes on nature reserves. Don't know where you live, but here in Pennsylvania, the nature reserves are gorgeous.
The corn dog was the only thing I could eat fast enough that I had in my house at the time. Low on food supply lol. It hurts because I am hungry..but it hurts more when I eat. I am slowly setting into eating more often...but even light things like salads and saltine crackers upset the balance. I have been goin to the lake and what not. Try to invite friends over to chill to pass the time. Like I have don't need to understand the pains to know they are there. They come and go and are getting less intense as I go farther into soberness. I'll make it like cake. Just wanted to see what all you badass dudes had to say and if you had any old stoner remedies. The lake was a lot of fun. I was slightly dehydrated and I didnt have any energy on the account of not eating much so it wasn't what it could have been. I ate a banana and am gonna try some asparagus and some chicken tonight. Eck let you know how that goes. I am so stoked that it's passing. I cant wait to have an appetite.

Peace and Love. I appreciate the answers dudes.


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear!

I don't even know you and I feel proud of you for doing this.

I'd suggest working out, kinda keeps your mind off weed for a few hours out of the day.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
That's good to hear!

I don't even know you and I feel proud of you for doing this.

I'd suggest working out, kinda keeps your mind off weed for a few hours out of the day.
Ya I proved my willpower this evening. My buddy came over with this GORGEOUS purple-y bud that was called Champagne. I let him use my double perc and him and his girl and my girl (who quit with me but is on the rag so the cramps are really hurting her so I let her cheat so she could sleep) roasted about 4 bowls in front of me. Now you might see it as a dick move that they smoked in front of me when I am itching to bake out...but I HAD TO CONVINCE THEM IT WAS OK TO SMOKE IN FRONT OF ME! They even offered to go into the bathroom and turn on the fan so there wasn't any temptation. I am a strong ass willed dude. I was like hey yo...I made this decision to quit...not you. Why should you compromise on the behalf of MY choices. I lit the bowl for him and was like smoke bro. Good friend. Really.

As for working out...I plan on signing up at my local meat head shop here in the next few days. I played baseball for 6 years and football for I am accustomed to working out. I am kinda stoked to get in better shape. It's weird...I am feeling kind of HUNGRY! God I cannot wait to green my ass out at Seattle Hempfest. My buddy is picking up a pound and we are all bringing different buds. 10 people minimum at this smoke out so far....fuuuuuuuck. :D

I just wanna say you guys have been supportive....well most of you :D and I thank you. It was really hard to not smoke when I have a quarter of high grade buds being offered. I just thought of my commitment to myself and that i'd be letting you all down and I passed on my own bong. Thanks dudes.

Happens to be a HiSi Mushroom Double Perc perc 7mm 1 1/2 foot tube. Fuck I love it. It's hard to tell her no... :D

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Also if you didn't notice I am still awake...which is rare....and I have almost gone and posted the entire front page with my name as the latest response...did it once on purpose lol...not so much right now :( just bored and can't sleep...


Well-Known Member
The hardest part of quiting cold for us long time smokers is probably learning to prime our appetites (you know how you can switch on and off hunger with some weed), due to our canniboid system (which has a large function in getting hungry etc.) being used to an external stimulus. Same with sleeping. But within about 14 days you will be just fine.... I know its a hard wave. I do it like every 2 or three months now.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya I have noticed lol. I feel hungry and eating is nice...but it's like a few seconds later after eating im full...then it goes away and I can eat a little...then I am full. It's been 5 days and NOT ONE TOKE!

I am stoked. So Stoked. I can't wait for these next few weeks. I already feel a lot "clearer"'s nice.

You all helped. A lot. Appreciate it. Probably gonna be done on updating this thread as I know the hardest few days are behind me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i look at smoking weed a lot like smoking cigs. there is only so much of it that is physical. the whole name of the game is habit. it's just something that you have to get used to not doing, regardless of whether there are physical symptoms. it's really a matter of "accepting the suck", realizing it won't be fun, sucking it up, and then it's done. i really did want to reccomend melatonin though to help with the sleep, because insomnia is just a reality for most people who quit weed. 1 mg a half hour before bed will help a LOT. more than that isn't helpful. it's not habit forming, and it's the chemical that your brain produces naturally to help sleep (the production of it may be a little off in people who depend on weed or other things for sleep). i use the kind from the vitamin store. way cheaper than the pharmacy and i find it dissolves better and works better. i am overdue for a tolerance break myself.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Well it's been one week since I took my last toke. I feel good. My appetite could be a little bit better but it will only ease as time goes on. No more irritability or sweats. Still some insomnia but I got some melatonin that has really been helping. Staying away from crappy food as it really fucks with my stomach. Other then that I think I have put the worst behind me so far. Glad some people are still interested.

The only thing that concerns me is my sex drive. Is it there? I haven't fucked in 2 years not high maybe but a handful of times so I am not sure how me and my lady are gonna hit it off but I expect good results.

The worst is behind me. I have had a little dehydration though but it's getting better. Lots and lots of water. Lost like 10 pounds in this last week just from lack of food but I need to lose like 50 lbs anyway lol.