STORING STEMS / LEAVES after harvest


Active Member
after i cut the plants down and hang the buds on the stems to dry.

how do u store or properly care for trimmed leaves in order to use them for butter so they arent all hard and dead.

the leaves get dry and then crispy the trimmed ones if you just leave them.. im thinking im wasting a bunch of leaves that could be used for butter but im not sure how to store them until there is enough..


New Member
Those low THC content leaves can be the difference between a short jail term and a long one if your busted as they will weigh the leaves just as they do the buds. That is quite a risk for some low grade butter.


Active Member
If you are talking about sugar leaf trimmings (the small side leaf close to your buds) you should do as the above stated and freeze them in a zip lock bag and toss in the freezer until there is a good amount of leaf. If the are the larger fan leaves with a little thc closer to the stem I would toss them but if you really want somthing out of them them dry them and run them through a kief box to knock off the little bit of thc on them. Dry them in a brown paper bag. Put the leaf in fold your bag over 2-3 times and open the bag 2-5 times a day for 5-15 minutes to let it breath. If you use your larger fan leaves to try to make butter then the ratio from leaf to thc is just not enough to make it worth it. You will only get out what you put in. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!