Strain vs Lighting

Random Haze

Active Member
Hello everyone at roll it up?
THis is my first post and after researching a little i have a couple questions.

Which is more important, the strain or lighting. I am limited to around $150... would it be better to buy a couple of seeds and some CFLS or buy a cheap HPS(i have some bag seeds but from some swag... i cant find any seeds in any high grade shit)?

Like how much of a difference would there be between a swag seed and a... lets say... some type of haze strain grown under the same light would there be?

P.S. I currently have a single plant of sour diesel growing in soil under two cfls.

One is a 26w(100w bullshit equilivant).. i think warm bulb with a 2700k color temp, and the other is a 27w(150w BS) cool blue 6500k color spectrum. It is around two weeks... it got off to a week start(stretching) because it was grwoing in my window until i picked up two CFLs at the grocery. But now it is looking healthy and is growing its 3rd set(5petal) of leaves. I am feeding it 24-8-18 at 1/8th strength every other watering... i water every 4-6 days. I will start a journal and post pics soon.


New Member
well those are the 2 most important factors... if u use shit bagseed you could end up with hermies or shit weed even if u do everything right... on the other hand lighting is what makes the diffrence between good growth/potency and weak streached plants .... if i was in your situation i would get the HPs light then clone the fuck out of that 1 plant you have... that way you have good genetics and good lighting keep a mother plant then flower the rest ... just make sure you always have a mother that you can clone... in the mean time save up for some other good genetics

Random Haze

Active Member
i was not really trying to clone yet, i want to do a succesfull grow first. But thx 4 the advice.

BTW ive been reading your journal over the past couple the days and have learned alot, and has given me a lot of inspiration... just to let u know

oh and is it hard to wire those 70w HPS that they sell at LOWES?


New Member
no idea. i use only cfls i dont have enough room for a hps :( i would think a 70 watt would be a waste of time... if you got 150 you can get a nice 400 watt hps off ebay or something ... as for the not wanting to clone yet. it seems like your best option and its not a risky descision. worse comes to worse you lose a few 2 inch parts of your plant best case senario you have alot of plants with good genetics with good lighting instead of 1 plant

either way you will need to spend money on lights to flower your plants. 50 watts prolly isnt enought to flower the one you have. let alone more.

you could prolly get a cheap hps for like 100-150 and then get some cheaper good genetic seens online for 15-25 so try to find a hps for closer to 100 and order seeds.

EDit: good to know your learning from my mistakes :(