Strain with a flowering period of up to 50 days.


Well-Known Member
Many of you have a lot of experience growing in different strains of cannabis. I ask you to share in this topic about the strains with a short flowering period, with your recommendations on strains and breeders
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Well-Known Member
Grow conditions matter a lot. Cobs/leds tend to finish plants a few days earlier. If you can tailor the grow environment around faster flowering times, most strains can be reduced by a solid week.

Off the top of my head,

The third dimension(3D)
Ace of spades (certain pheno)


Well-Known Member
I flower at 9 1/2 - 14 1/2 and use high Kelvin (10,000 K) fluorescent lights, very white almost blue light. I shave off 10 to 20% time. I have had strains done in 40 days and they felt overdone at 55 days. Mexican modern strains. I will take the C99 down at 40 to 45 days.

The idea you need to see amber trichomes is something I do not agree with either. Lots of clears and just starting to see milky is how I roll now. Drop the hps and use white light, the whiter the better.


Well-Known Member
Underground originals Blues has 50 day phenotypes, same for their killerskunk. I had a funky orange pez killerskunk girl from a 10 pack, ready for harvest at 50 days, you can take it to 56 days for more mellow/cbd combo too loud for stealth growing so I didn't keep it.


Well-Known Member
Black dog #2, more colorful less blackberry smell, shortest stoutest plant out of the 3
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tallest plant or 3, strong blackberry smell, dense buds nice resin, most likely my keeper, have to wait to smoke all 3
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#1, densest buds, heaviest yield, no blackberry more headband og smell, no purple color either, nice plant though
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Well-Known Member
If there was a plant yielding lbs in 50 days every commercial grower would have one lol, most of the fast finishers I've found have been smaller buds, hard as rocks and break up really nice, but never huge colas. I'm an indoor grower tho, I've seen some damn nice looking fast finishing plants from the outdoor guys. Those are the dudes who know what's quick


Well-Known Member
Nug lab New England skunk 48days outdoors, (bought from Maine clone company) like other fast strains not a huge harvest but respectable for a first run.. They started flowering weeks ahead of the OBS, sure wish I had seeds to a Canadian skunk strain we grew in the late 70s early 80s started flowering end of July.. Still have half a pack of the New England going to run a couple under the lights an see if they stay quick. Sorry for the edits too baked tonight
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