Strained weed (from cannaoil)


I finished making some cannaoil (coconut oil and weed) and now I have lots of strained weed (an entire ounce).

Does this have any form of potency left in it?
How would you advice I make use of it (other than eating it directly)?

I know the easiest way to avoid all this would be to just leave it in, but I want my oil-based edibles to stay yummy, I even do several "washings" of the oil (i.e. melting in water and resolidifying).

Or is it not worth it and should I just toss it?


Well-Known Member
I threw out all the left overs from the butter I made earlier today. If you've let it cook for a few hours there shouldn't be tons left in it. Though any oil left in it would be medicated. Maybe a good idea would be to fill capsules with it and take those like a regular canna oil capsule. You'd be getting alot of fiber too :).


Well-Known Member
Just toss it. Nothin really left in it. Budder is usually what people do to already ran trim for hashes.

Should have some nice budder but theres nothing left to grab and if there is itll be soaked with butter and not really be worth it.
I use vaped reclaim for my coconut oil extraction for edibles and then use it again either for my arthritis balm or for my dog treats. I do another extraction with all the leftovers and put it in a pint canning jar with an appropriate amount of oil in the jar. I use my crockpot as a double boiler for 8 hours or so, shaking atleast every hour. I strain out the reclaim for balm oil and leave in quite a bit of plant for the dog treats. Added fiber never hurts. So I get as many uses out of my medicine as possible. You can find recipes for both on this site or others, I have posted a few myself.