strange curling, small size


Active Member
ph should be 5.5 - 5.8 ish
leaves can start out like that.. then become normal after they unfold.. but.. they look a little more twisted up than normal.


Active Member
could be boron deficiency. also looks like heat problems, wut your temps like?? n wut kinda lights? how close??

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Looks like iron and micro nute def. Calcium for sure and probably the rest as well.

What are you adding to your water? Complete formula and ph. If you are at 7 in dwc you are toast. You need to get your ph lower. More bubbles and PH down are probably your answer.
looks magnesium and calcium def. i am having a similar problem but not near as bad. what nutes u run and what kind of water?


awesome guys, thanks! +rep all

it was definitely a ph and heat issue. Also the micro deficiency, I had misread how to apply the 3 part GH series. duhh
Once the issues were cleared up the new growth came green and normal. (the crinkly yellow minime leaves are still gnarly looking) but health has been achieved
man hydro is touchy as hell!!
