Strange Problems With My Plant. Please Help


Stop using lime Juice, Flush them with regular water and let them dry. WHen you use miracle Gro its best to only use water for 3 months because the soil is packed with food to last for 3 months it says it right on the bag. Lime juice would definitely screw with the miracle Gro PH which will lock out nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I read good things about lime juice so i don't think its all that bad, helps with the pH problem and helps allow soil to be wet. I might even try it myself one day.


PROBLEM! the pH pen hasn't come yet, and i checked my plants when i got up this morning. And it looks like they have just given up! i will upload pics if requested but you wont be able to notice the difference because you haven't seen them recently..

but yh they have just kinda started drooping 0.0 wtf?!


Well-Known Member
Need pics, seems like the problems are getting away from you, pH pen is gona be real usefull when it comes. I feel in heinzsight that you would have done a few thing differently. I feel for you bro but sometimes that weed just don't wana grow the way we want. Best thing is to find out where you are going wrong so it dosen't happen again. Two of my small veg plants are wilting too, i had previously flushed and they wilted and started to yellow a bit, added ferts and just made it worse, p!sses me off when this happens, pH is good so i am stuck as to the problem and just got to let it grow till i work it out. I can't wait to see pics or the pH pen dude so keep us posted.


ok, basically the pen has gotten lost in the post... -.- so iv'e been using my liquid pH but i did some research and found a wider ranged colour scale and i think my pH is about 6.8 or 7 which is much better than 6 to 7 which is what i thought originally :clap:.. right so now iv'e started using those tomato nutes and they have done nicely for my babies, the yellowing has basically stopped and ill explain for each plant.

DSC01075.jpg DSC01076.jpg
DSC01077.jpg >>> Sativa (best plant)

right this plant has no yellowing leaves anymore and i did some serious lst work on it last night to get all the tops in the right places as im starting flowering next week :weed:

DSC01078.jpg DSC01079.jpg >>> Indica (worst plant)

Now there are still yellow leaves on this plant but the yellowing has not spread so im quite happy, although the growth has been stunted for a couple days it's now recovering.

DSC01080.jpg DSC01081.jpg DSC01082.jpg >>> Sativa (second best)

this plant is doing good, only a little bit of yellow and it's not spreading. My only concern is that the leaves are massive and keep getting bashed about my the door and the leaves are getting slightly torn. But otherwise all is well :-o

Well let me know what you think and thats for all the help so far!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yer you have mangaed to stabalise those plants. Yellow leaves look cal/mag a bit and maybe some signs of over watering. Most tomato ferts have good amounts of cal and mag and normally listed on the bottle, think you posted a pic of the ferts earlier.

Anyway it dosen't matter since the yellowing has stopped for now, try and give it a good long think as to why the leaves went yellow and it might of been a few reasons why. Work and refine what you did to make them better, often it is overatering so maybe some perlite or hydroton in the next grow. Now is a crucial time for the plants, you don't want any yellowing to start again, keep that water cycle going as sounds like you are watering spot on! I do see some leaf tip burn which might be from overfertilizing, i am working on a feed feed flush schedule at the moment and seems to be working wonders although i have a pH and ec digital meter. Those liquid pH tester give you a guide but litmus paper would be a lot more accurate and has a bigger colour scale as you have seen, these liquid testers with the bigger colour scale are the accurate ones, yours is rubbish(sorry but it is). I have seem liquid testers that only test in a certain pH range and they are even more accurate, test like from pH6 to pH8 only, if the test show 6 or 8 you need the next test which dose pH 4 to 6 or 8 to 10.

Track your pH pen down as you need it more than ever. One thing i just did wrong recently waas flush some small plants in some small pots and they went bright yellow over night, as far as i can see i have flushed out all the micro and macro nutes as well as the npk, i have added full strength biobizz ferts and maxicrop seaweed and seems to have halted the yellow. Even good growers make mistakes!lol!

Good to see your grow getting well, sometimes its not advice which helps sick plants but talking to others about the problems. Peace and again well done