Strawberry Kush


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know anything about Strawberry Kush? I just bought 10 seeds and am germinating 2 of em right now.


Well-Known Member
well yesterday my 2 seeds had germinated with a cm long sprout on each so i planted em. i guess i'll let you guys know what strawberry kush is


Well-Known Member
weee one of em sprouted so far. dunno if the other one will, i dropped the pot like a stoner and it spilled out and shit so we'll see. i'll take some pix tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
oh and the other one sprouted in the night last night surprisingly.
hopefully they're both female.


Well-Known Member
cept they dont have strawberry kush right...but they got some damn nice strains...hash queen is outta this world. the cuttings makes bomb hash and lots of it.


New Member
yea i got some masterkush seeds from nirvana and i also got some bag seed going but damn i want that strawberry kush