stressed Grand daddy clones HELLLLLPPPPPP


Well-Known Member
i received some verry shitty clones. all all of roots are pearl white but the plants have tell tale signs of stress like, all of the fan leaves fell off, leaves that died felt crispy, the few leaves that still are alive are light green at the top canopy of the three plant. is there anything i can do to fix this? i put them in dwc RO'ed water in a ph of 6. im trying to get them get healthy please help.:hump: pics soon will +Rep


Well-Known Member
no nutes at all. i have 3 of them in about 5 gallons of water in a rubbermaid tote bubbler system. i have floro nutes ill give them some nutes and see what it does


Well-Known Member
bump i know these look pretty shitty am i wasting my time with these or what? what do they need?? they are in plain water im afraid to give them nutes and kill them since they already seem like they are in shock. help please


Well-Known Member
!! a lil super thrive and those girls will be lookn pretty in no time!!! as soon as you start to see new foliage then intro sum nutes at 1/4 strength and watch the babys fly!! better give them names now cause i'd keep em!!


Well-Known Member
update of the clones.... not good there was one that got fucked up for some reason. ppm is around 800 after the nutes ph of 5.5 i cant really see this as overdoing anything.:neutral:



Well-Known Member
i check ph 2ce daily temps havent been 2 bad i have a fan in front of them so its not too hot i dont get it.


Well-Known Member
uhh small plants are 400-800 i would go lower but the roots go into the rez. the one seems dead im going to remove it later


Well-Known Member
just wait for them to come around. yours look like these three cuttings i took and put in random soil pots in the backyard. that was about 6 months ago and they now look like yours. i wasn't trying to keep them alive, but lives anyway lmao.


Well-Known Member
i thought 800 would be high for clones but your do have alot of roots, is the fan blowing on them drying them out. and what is your ppm of just your water before nutes.


Well-Known Member
i thought 800 would be high for clones but your do have alot of roots, is the fan blowing on them drying them out. and what is your ppm of just your water before nutes.

idk i doubt the fan is drying them out ive never had a problem with pushing air around before. water usually starts out around 450 from the city tap but i have RO water ive been using that comes out at 19 ppm:fire: what could be wrong