Struggling with the finish.


I am having trouble with my finish on my plants. The aroma just isnt there on some plants that when I have grown them in the past it was a serious problem. I am currently running Juicy Fruit and MTF. I have 12000 watts and put 2 under each light using xxxls. I have been running co2 at 1300 ppm. My room is a constant 70 - 73 degrees. I use all organic nutes and adjust ph to ~6.0 per nutes instructions. I have ran 3 crops 2 in this particular room and all have had the same issue. The smoke is good but just not super smelly.. not even on the plant. I wonder if its just that I cant smell it anymore lol. All my lights are 8" ducted and im growing in 15 gallon pots... dirt obviously. I do get light bleaching on some of my plants which is a constant battle. My yield is fine but not exceptional. Just shy of 1lb per 1000W. A lot of this has been due to running several different strains at once which I just recently stopped doing. Many strains just simply arent going to yield as well as others. A lot of people think its in my dry and cure but the problem exists on the plant.. before I ever get to the cure stage. When I do dry and cure I dry very slowly.. no fans.. no dehumidifiers.. natural dry and then jarred and burped daily. It isnt that they dont smell its that in the past this same strain was really difficult to deal with due to the smell and now not so much. The difference between then and now is quantity of plants and co2. I have tried letting them go till the trichs were going amber but that didnt help. I am not sure if anyone has any ideas but I welcome any constructive criticism or, if youd like, your welcome to just take pop shots too lol.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
If they are from a clone of a clone of a clone it could just be a loss of vigor in the genetics. I hear that this can happen.

You could also benefit from higher temperatures. Working with 75.6 to 76.2 without CO2 is where I try to stay. I imagine that with CO2 you could stick around 80 and have much better growth rates.

Other than the temperature and the genetic thinning... I can't think of much else than your soil being a different quality than it used to be. I've noticed that Fox Farms has had a hard time keeping up with the demand for their stuff. Working on such a large scale seems to have impacted the quality of their product. Regardless of what soil you've been using my other suggestion would be to change it up. Try something new, maybe you'll like it.

You can always mix up some of your own too. I hear that composted cow poo really does make for some good smelling buds. There are a lot of other good soils out there so maybe you can run the same strain in a few different soils and see which comes out the stankiest.

Then again you might just be old and scent blind. ;)


LOL Thanks for the reply Snow. I am indeed getting old but I have verified with others and it just doesnt have the smell that it did. My MTF is 30 years old lol so that might be the issue there. My JF though is fairly young and I have grown from the same mom with different results.. on a side note it is amazing the difference you get with that strain with temperature changes. It really seems to like the cold air.. denser buds.. thicker leaves. I will increase the heat though and see what happens. I did change the soil now that you mention it but my root systems seem so much happier than they did when I used Roots soil. Hmm interesting. I supplement my soil at least twice a grow with organic tea... maybe i should switch that up too. Thanks again Snow. I see you helping a lot of people.. hope good karma comes your way.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I figured there was a good reasoning behind the lower temperatures. I've been keeping my lower recently because the weather has allowed for it and I totally agree the difference a few degrees makes is pretty dramatic. I think you're close to the lower end of that spectrum, if you were to go anywhere from where you are now it'd be up, so it was just a thought.

Honestly, I think it's probably the soil or the food.

Check out HumboldtLocal's 2010 Outdoor grow on (I'd link it but I'm sleepy and google will work just as well). He has a nice soil mix that is based on most of the popular "Super Soil" formula's like Subcool's. He also has this incredible Tea brewer but you could imitate that on a smaller scale for like $150 and use the same recipe.

Trust me, when you see the organics that guy is growing outdoors you'll poop your pull-ups. He's definitely doing something right so maybe that would be a good influence to push your plants back in the right direction. I've been doing organic hydro in Coco for a little while now and the quality of organics in the soilless system has been the largest factor in the final resin production and overall quality of the product in my garden.

Good place to start I'd say.

And the whole genetics thing. That's something that could easily be discredited. I've heard of strains being kept around like yours, for 30 years, without much issue. So... That was probably wrong... but it's something I'd heard before and figured I'd share.

I'm sure you'll get it figured out. Worst case scenario... You get to find some new stinky sticky for keeping around. Some really good stuff going around in the California scene right now. I had some Banana Kush the other day that tasted exactly like sweet banana bread.