stunned weak growth, leaves twisting


I need help.

1 of my plants is stunned. New top leaves just arent developing, steam is weak and it bends too much. I thought it is soil, because other are growing fine, but i changed soil 4 days ago and no change. Ph is 6,8 and i feed them with fertilizer i bought in supermarket , npk is 6-3-6. She has some dots on young leaves and some of older are twisting. How to solve this ?


Well-Known Member
Hi bjjweed. It could be the early stages of a number of things.
When you say your Ph is 6.8 do you mean you are feeding it with 6.8 or your soil ph is 6.8?
What sort of water are you using? R/O, tap, well water?

If its Boron, iron or zinc or Manganese (although I don't see the brown spots in your pic) deficiency then lowering your Ph will help. Try 6.4/6.5. non of those elements like a high PH.
They all have some of the characteristics your describing. If its Boron then the leaves will eventually return green if you lower your PH.
Unless you are using R/O water and then you should switch water and also lower your PH.

If you google and search on here for those element deficiencies you can cross reference the data you find and try and diagnose your problem better.
Try Manganese and Boron first since you can get all up close with your plants better than we could ever!

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Your plant don't look to bad, IMO it looks like Heat stress, but it may be something else can't really see anything obvious but you never know, I always say When In Doubt Flush It Out . and start with a new reg of nuets. the question being did you have your light to close or put it in Full Sunlight ? good luck let us know how it is going.