Stupid TV Writers


Well-Known Member
I was just watching NUMB3RS, and they are doing an episode that has to do with marijuana. First of all their fake pot doesn't even really look like real pot. And second, why the hell would someone smuggling marijuana on a jet ski put the weed in clear bags on the outside of the craft? That's just stupid. WTF are the writers thinking?

I included a picture...


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
The writers know that they can serve up total shyte and still find an audience to watch it. Hence; you, stoned on couch, watching bad show.


stays relevant.
Jet ski... never thought about that... I was just hiding kilos of the stuff inside of vietnamese children, and smuggling them into Washington and transporting them via railroad to Southern California.


Yes, bad economy, bad shows, bad news for stoners! ;)

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Holy shit! They must have found out about my secret jet ski smuggling operation! The best part is, when they bust me for smuggling pot, they'll be so preoccupied that they won't notice what I'm really smuggling: jet skis! Do you know how cheap jet skis are in Mexico? I'm a damn genius!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! They must have found out about my secret jet ski smuggling operation! The best part is, when they bust me for smuggling pot, they'll be so preoccupied that they won't notice what I'm really smuggling: jet skis! Do you know how cheap jet skis are in Mexico? I'm a damn genius!

that is genius. i love it.