stupidest arrest ever....


Well-Known Member
Fuck cops, your family members are pricks. :finger:

Yep, you'll say that until it's you that needs them... like always. People always look at the bad things that a few police do instead of the good they do everyday... like arrest rapists, murderers, and truly bad people. But nope, they're all pricks just out to beat somebody. Enjoy being a hypocrite...


Well-Known Member
There are good cops, and there bad cops. I had a run-in with the law regarding Cannabis and I was caught by two cops. One of the cops looked at my record, and saw I had no previous record of any kind. He wanted to let me off with a warning. His dickheaded partner wanted to take me to jail. When this happened I noticed one thing. Some cops care about the badge, some cops care about making quotas.


Active Member
Well atleast you didnt call the cops on urself... that my friends would be the stupidest arrest ever! saw it on cops once


Well-Known Member
Yep, you'll say that until it's you that needs them... like always. People always look at the bad things that a few police do instead of the good they do everyday... like arrest rapists, murderers, and truly bad people. But nope, they're all pricks just out to beat somebody. Enjoy being a hypocrite...
it's more than a few
Dude read the police blog. How many Rapists, murderers and truly bad people are arrested on a daily basis?

Yet we justify the hordes of other cops, equipment, and huge budgets (more every year, cuz who would commit political suicide and vote against LEO).

What the hell are the rest of these Hordes doing? well we know the answer to that...they are harassing the poor trying to get to work in their broken down cars with expired tags, randomly pulling over profiled cars with excuses of seat belts or even more vague "your driving" all to see what they can sniff out. Swine.

Oh sure, they break up the nightly domestic dispute...possibly saving some poor mother from an apology...hopefully he wont come back and kill her when he gets out of jail, as promised...cuz they won't be there then, nor when she calls and says he is on his way over to chop her us back ma'am if he show up. Oh but if he does kill her...they will arrest the murderer, while the majority go on spreading fear and financial ruin for those lucky enough to avoid worse.

Your wholesome image, the kind of police academy pamphlets, is understandable, seen through the rose tinted glasses of a family member of LE. However unless someone hits my car, and I need an accident report for insurance reasons, there is no need to ever call a cop! Dealing with them rarely ends well. 911 is for the fire department.



Well-Known Member
Yep, you'll say that until it's you that needs them... like always. People always look at the bad things that a few police do instead of the good they do everyday... like arrest rapists, murderers, and truly bad people. But nope, they're all pricks just out to beat somebody. Enjoy being a hypocrite...
Agreed. I've met nasty cops (grew up in small town), but on the whole, the large majority have been good people. They have a job to do and for some of them, this means arresting those who smoke pot. In those instances, become smarter than the cop trying to arrest you for smoking/growing, don't get caught, and you win. Be smart.

And if you counted every person who's been helped by the police (some in a major way) and count all the people who've been hurt/victimized by the cops, I bet the former list would be a LOT longer.


Well-Known Member
And if you counted every person who's been helped by the police (some in a major way) and count all the people who've been hurt/victimized by the cops, I bet the former list would be a LOT longer.
That would be an interesting statistic to see lol. According to, there was around 870,000 marijuana related arrests in 2007. Most of which were just possession charges. Does getting an unfair traffic ticket count as being victimized too?


Well-Known Member
There are more than a few bad seeds when it comes to cops. At least in nyc, sometimes I question if there bred to act messed up to people and they dont really want to or if they love fucking people over.


Well-Known Member
That would be an interesting statistic to see lol. According to, there was around 870,000 marijuana related arrests in 2007. Most of which were just possession charges. Does getting an unfair traffic ticket count as being victimized too?
Sure it does. If there were as many people with stories of how they got helped by a cop, as there are otherwise, we would have a federal holiday to honor the dog kicking saints.

Sure there are stories of the good cop...usually a freshman, I suspect more likely in smaller dept., but these are near statistical anomalies...the seed of fables. I was even helped once by a young cop who gave me a ride from my broke down vehicle to the shop to pick up the good car. It was only a couple miles, but he crossed the state line. Either greed or shame quickly evaporates all altruistic expressions in the mature swine.

I have also, in my lifetime, been on the receiving end of the shameful way we allow these public servants to treat those who pay for their service (us of course)...out of the fear they actively instill....why because of the often older vehicles I have owned as well as the hours at which my job put me on the road. In my youth, often with more hair than was deemed proper the profilling was not only racial. Luckily, in my middle age, the dead sticker on the now old car does not even draw attention, before sundown at least...that is when the real predators come out...lots of little latin kids playing dress up and acting tougher than their comical dress, mannerisms or accordian infested music would suggest...hard not to chuckle...but the pigs are always in a hurry...they keep letting these clowns out of the pen...gotta make room for drug offenders...somebody's gotta save these people from themselves, I'm sure they will be grateful after getting used to being raped by criminals...that'll teach 'em.

Not every young German in 1939 was a Nazi piece of least at first.

And our police force is not drafted during times of war and nationalism...these are the crazy bastards that volunteer to go to war, not folks you really want with power beyond the individual level. Control freaks with chips on their shoulders.

Fuck the police.



Well-Known Member
Either greed or shame quickly evaporates all altruistic expressions in the mature swine.
I think it has more to do with dealing with ungrateful civilians and people who have no respect for them that turns older officers into who they are. And you're furthering the problem by having that attitude yourself... I'm not delusional to the situation because I have family members in LE, I'm just smart enough to realize that no cop is the same... as one poster put it, some do it for the paycheck, and others do it because they truly love their job. In the end, it is the cops who protect you every day, take away law enforcement, and lets see how safe you'd feel then... am I correct? Or, would you rather live in a lawless society?


Well-Known Member
wow .5g is NOTHING AT ALL. What a waste of time and effort.

Over here I would have apologised and been on my way


Well-Known Member
I think it has more to do with dealing with ungrateful civilians and people who have no respect for them that turns older officers into who they are. And you're furthering the problem by having that attitude yourself... I'm not delusional to the situation because I have family members in LE, I'm just smart enough to realize that no cop is the same... as one poster put it, some do it for the paycheck, and others do it because they truly love their job. In the end, it is the cops who protect you every day, take away law enforcement, and lets see how safe you'd feel then... am I correct? Or, would you rather live in a lawless society?
That is a load of crap! If people treated these "older officers" ungratefully and with no respect, they would have the crap beat out of them...Better not let them see you filming the assault either. I sound really crass about pigs here, because I, like most, are shaking in my boots when forced to deal with them.

Ungrateful citizens...How many times do they get thanked and told to have a nice day after writing a ticket, out of intimidation...I bet they joke about this...

No sir, they act like pigs because of the awesome power a man feels when carrying a gun...and as for some doing it out of a love of the there is a motherfucker to watch out for!

As for the feeling of safety I would lose if there were no, or at least many fewer cops...are you kidding me? If someone kicked in my door right now, and assaulted me...What the hell would the cops do? I am a couple of blocks from the pigpen, and the criminal would be long gone before cop 1 showed up to do his duty...write a report. That is if I was stupid enough to reach for the phone, rather than a weapon...beat the invader with receiver while waiting on 911 hold?

If people want (real) protection and security (as opposed to a feeling of security), they MUST, as it has always been, take that responsibility themselves...settling contract disputes, printing money, and possibly maintaining a militia...beyond that is tyranny.

An organized police force makes a community categorically less safe because we have taken our very well being and placed it in the hands of strangers...what good are locks on the door of an unarmed house?

"Better to have all citizens participate in the suppression and punishment of crime---and share in the moral responsibility---than turn the job over to some quasi-criminal type (or hero) in a uniform with a tin badge on his shirt." ~Edward Abbey

Yes sir, taking away law enforcement would make me feel safer. I do not fear random crime, but I do fear jack booted thugs (with badges) kicking in my door. The hesitation that this possibility brings, makes me much less safe, in my own home, from the criminal with or without his badge.

I say go tell capt o'maley that you smoke cannabis to see just what kind of cop he is...for the paycheck...or the love of the job.

Like everyone else...dead man still walking....actually sitting, and later I will be lying down. Save your threatening tough guy talk for when you get out of the academy...keep it off my RIU page! (reference to the negative rep left for me and others from this thread with the comment "Dead man walking", a refernce to crime, punishment, and the death penalty...mine evidently)



Well-Known Member
This thread sucks. The OP came here to rant and let off steam and it's starting stupid arguments between long time respectable members.


Well-Known Member
As for the feeling of safety I would lose if there were no, or at least many fewer cops...are you kidding me? If someone kicked in my door right now, and assaulted me...What the hell would the cops do? I am a couple of blocks from the pigpen, and the criminal would be long gone before cop 1 showed up to do his duty...write a report. That is if I was stupid enough to reach for the phone, rather than a weapon...beat the invader with receiver while waiting on 911 hold?
Right, cause when one of your family members or friends is murdered, you'll scrounge up some DNA equipment, watch a few CSI reruns... and go out and catch the murderer yourself. I don't put any of my well-being in the hands of officers, I open carry where I'm from because I know I don't have a personal cop. But when shit does go down, they are there to find the people who did it when no one else can, and they do a damn good job of it. I'm sorry you disagree with me... but luckily the worldly vision you have will never come true, and if anything will just head into the opposite direction (police state) because of people with your attitude... you brought it on yourself my friend. :peace:

This thread sucks. The OP came here to rant and let off steam and it's starting stupid arguments between long time respectable members.

Too bad the OP had to incite it by disrespecting fellow humans... he could've just said, "I was responsible for what happened to me because I know the laws and know that it is illegal, I should've kept it at home where I would not have had to worry about police." and besides, his story doesn't sound credible at all... there should be know reason for a cop to search them if they're just sitting in a parking lot, no probable cause unless something was in plain sight or if he could smell pot. And I find it hard to believe you were driving around it .5g and hadn't smoked a bit of it all day... sounds like BS to me.


Too bad the OP had to incite it by disrespecting fellow humans... he could've just said, "I was responsible for what happened to me because I know the laws and know that it is illegal, I should've kept it at home where I would not have had to worry about police." and besides, his story doesn't sound credible at all... there should be know reason for a cop to search them if they're just sitting in a parking lot, no probable cause unless something was in plain sight or if he could smell pot. And I find it hard to believe you were driving around it .5g and hadn't smoked a bit of it all day... sounds like BS to me.

i have to call bs on this one.... we are from the same area... you cant tell me that you dont know about our cops doing crap like this everyday..:?... so the nopd wouldnt hassle you for no reason??:roll:


Well-Known Member
the nopd wouldnt hassle you for no reason??:roll:

I will never relate the NOPD to an actual police force... they truly are thugs with badges. But honestly, I have sat in plenty of crowded parking lots rolling joints and have never been hassled by any of our boys in blue down here... His story just didn't seem believable at all. But still, he acts like it was the cops fault he got in trouble, that's what made me say something. Reagan said it best. The OP knew it was illegal, yet still put himself in harms way, and as all the NORML lawyers will tell you... BE A MOVING TARGET.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."
-Ronald Reagan


Well-Known Member
I open carry where I'm from because I know I don't have a personal cop. But when shit does go down, they are there to find the people who did it when no one else can, and they do a damn good job of it.

Tshould've kept it at home where I would not have had to worry about police." and besides, his story doesn't sound credible at all... there should be know reason for a cop to search them if they're just sitting in a parking lot, no probable cause unless something was in plain sight or if he could smell pot. And I find it hard to believe you were driving around it .5g and hadn't smoked a bit of it all day... sounds like BS to me.
Their ability to solve the actual crimes committed, with actual victims, in no way justifies them trolling for their own victims...passivist potheads.

IT does not belong hidden! It was in his much more should he hide it...don't answer that.

And as for probable cause...wouldn't that be nice if this little technicality was not violated on a whim. don't you watch cops? San Bernardino County rolls up on 2 18-24yo looking males walking through parking lot. For the "officer's safety" he riffles through their pockets...politely. Finds some pills. dude is fucked. Zero probable cause...caught on tape like a police beating [clubs and boots fly, while cries of "STOP RESISTING!" fill the air...a technicality]

I will never relate the NOPD to an actual police force... they truly are thugs with badges. But honestly, I have sat in plenty of crowded parking lots rolling joints and have never been hassled by any of our boys in blue down here...

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."
-Ronald Reagan
Yeah an actual police force also has power tripping assholes, vindictive little anal pricks, and a do-gooder or two.

Reagan also said that Marijuana was the most dangerous drug...he prefered Halcyon.

Quoting Ronnie Raygun and sticking up for pigs...what are you doing here?

Do you even smoke pot? It sounds like you think it is bad...I will ask again, If you do smoke, does your cop family member know you smoke? If not, and you told them, would they do their doodie?



Active Member
First and foremost , cops are all dirty.And if you believe otherwise , you my friends are a fool.I cant the newspaper that ran the article (Im still to find it) but it said that if you take the normal everyday average person i.e. you and i and the cops , that among the 2 groups there are more criminals in the cop group than the everyday average citizen.Something like 3 to 1 if i everyday right.Cops are nothing more than punks who got picked on in school and throughout their lives and are looking for payback or are so stupid they cant have a regular job where they have to think , they have to have a job where it is written out clearly for them what they can and cant do.Even with that being said 90% of them still make a mess of it.Just look in your local newspaper and you will see numerous cops being arrested.Hell The Atlanta Journal Constitution ran a story where 1 out of 3 police academy grads had criminal records.And if you dont think that cops are dirty , ever heard of the "Blue Wall of Silence?" Asshole cops in New York would openly lie to get what they wanted.In the New York Times was an article with a Narc detective who said he and his fellow cops will lie if necessary to search and seize.Not only do we have dirty cops , but look at the judges.We have countless stories of judges being pulled over charged with DUI and then when it comes time for court , the papers suddenly disappear , leading to dropped charges.I went to high school with a girl whose father was a cop and he would pull people over arrest them for drug possesion and then take there drugs and re-sale them through his son.He eventually got caught , got a demotion , fined $200 and that was it.Now where is the justice in that ?Cops , Judges , Prosecutors dont care about justice , the just want another notch in the belt.Oh and i just found this article , an officer in North Carolina was accused of rape , but the report didnt list a complaintent , phone number she could be reached at , address , or any other contact information.The woman thought the police were handling the investigation and when so much time went by she contacted them only to be informed that her statute of limitations had run out.So to all you that believe cops are hard working , honest people , and i mean this with all the offense i can put behind it , EAT A DICK YOU MORON.And for the cops ,I aint got shit for ya , youre a piece of shit and until this system is changed and revamped i will show no officer of the law nor the court any respect , because respect is earned not given!
i got arrested for a 1/4 pound like a year ago...only got 6 months probation and 30 days in jail. Youll get off with drug diversion most likely. But for real u shouldve eaten that shit man i tried to eat as much of my qp as i could (maybie ate a 1/2 o) lackluster attempt but an attempt none the less...good luck bro