Subcools pandoras box and Jillybean


Well-Known Member
Highlanders, I have 2 18 inch fans on both sides the room. I have then a 6 inch blower coming into the room and being vented into the ceiling through a backdraft damper. I have my humidity sitting at about 50%, Ill back it down some I have a CAP that regulates it for me, its a beautiful thing lol. What will I notice if anything?? Actually I have started do some Limbing on the plants some of that stuff just isnt high enough, thanks for the suggestions though I will take into consideration, and make some changes. I have noticed a couple leaves literally that have started to roll under and I know thats a sign of not being able to excrete enough moisture. I will make that change tonight when they wake. Thank you for the kind help. Haze2


Well-Known Member
Quick update, I had 1 plant from each strain going in straight organic feeds and I had left for a 3 week period and had my brothjer taking care of everything and he on accident fed my Organic plants the botanicare solutions. DAMN lol anyways so that yall know I did not go back to the orgnic nutrients I chose to keep feeding them the botanicare, in hopes not to fuck them up and Ill say there have been no bad changes at all. I will not have a comparison like I had hoped at the end, I was really hoping to see the differences, Ill make sure to do it next grow. Haze2


Well-Known Member
Damn those ladies are looking sexy as hell!!Filled out your space nice and even it looks like.I have not had the chance to read through the whole journal yet but they look like they are coming along very nice.Any problems so far?


Well-Known Member
Damn those ladies are looking sexy as hell!!Filled out your space nice and even it looks like.I have not had the chance to read through the whole journal yet but they look like they are coming along very nice.Any problems so far?

Ha No the only problems I have had so far have been my own fuckups. I left for a couple of weeks and my brother fed a few Organic plants our chem regimen and I have bent a few of the colas a couple times getting inside the jungle lmao. Suprisingly all 3 strains that got the chemical feed versus the roots organics feed had no negative results whatsoever, has been about 9 days and everything still seems to be doing nothing but better. Haze


Well-Known Member
Quick post, just found a handfull of mushrooms in one of my plants?? wtf is it possibly the humidity is causing this?? Haze


Active Member
mushrooms... how is your soil drainage?

Just ordered Vortex today, wondering how it responds to stress training?


Well-Known Member
I think I have excellent drainage they only stay moist for about 3 days with 1 1/2 gallon waterings. So what could they be from?? I have been having some issues with my humidity Im finding out that my dehumidifier cant seem to get the room down past about 40 45% piece o shit paid almost 200 on that thing. Im going to buy another fan tomorrow to put beneath the canopy of the plants to give some more fresh air between each plant underneath, it is starting to get a little cramped in there now. Ill have an update with pictures tomorrow cameras batterys are dead. Haze2


Well-Known Member
Ok well I took just a few pictures and I cant find the dang cord for the camera Ill post again tomorrow, sorry yall!! Haze2


Well-Known Member
Just som epics if youd like to know what strain is what just ask, the more triched pics are the 3D the others are Jilly there are no pics of PB!! 4 weeks 5 days into flower!! Haze2 :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nice job Haze, everything is looking great. I haven't logged on in awhile but when I finally did this is the first thread I checked. And I was not disappointed. You're gonna love the JB. I have my last 3 for the season in flower now.:cry: Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
PANDORAS BOX Day 38 of flower!! Yall tell me what you think, the pictures dont totally do them justice. PB is very triched up nicely caked on, all of them smell very rotten but citrusy like crazy lots of lemonade type smells to me um theres one I smelled yesterday on the phone with a frienad and I said holy shit this think smells like a lemon head candy, lol and he said what does and I said my fuckin nugs do it was great. They are all very squat and I had no idea but I actually have 7 of these women in here. They have all been fed a dose of the MOAB for being day 38 they are getting near late flower. Seems by the finished time she should give me a few ounces I would think well see. Any questions just ask. Haze2 :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Now for my 3RD Dimension!! These women are about day 35 they induced flowering just shy of the pandoras box. They seem like they want to be coming to a finish, they have not bulked up much at all. 3rd D is a medium height plant about 2 1/2 to 3 feet max. They are all heavily triched these pictures are very bad they have more trichs so far than most of my Jillys. These are very sticky. The plant seems to be a very low yielder Im not positive yet but really nothing heavy by no means. The smells on these are very tropical like the adds say so, but I have noticed a baby poo smell starting to leak from select phenos I think I have 2 that smell like that. The nugs seem to be medium density as goes for all 3 strains nothing real dense yet at all. All have been fed a dose of MOAB and I will start a flush on them soon. If I missed anything just ask!! Haze2



Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of the garden!! I came in today and moved all the plants around, I have the 3Ds in the left side back of the room using th 400w hps and some of the 400w mh, I have the PBs using the right side of the room now using its own 400w hps and the same 400w mh. I moved all the Jillys because they are so much more bushier to the front of the room and placed the all under the 2 600s and using the other half of the 400w mh. Each strain is in its oen section of the room now. The first 2 are 2 colas from this hella short Jillybean I have in there shes got trichs like a siv and she smells like some sweet sweet fruity something lol. 3rd pic is of a nug growing at the fan leaf, Crazy, pics 3 thru 7 are just randoms of the garden at night with a flash. Pic 9 group shot, 10 another crazy nugget growing on the fan leaf, Ive heard that they grow those little guys when conditions are near perferct, interesting!! Haze2

