SUBCOOL'S SuperSoil mix with minor variations for a OUTDOOR... Please give feedback


Looking for the latest revision of Sub's SS Mix.
Environment is OUTDOOR @ 21 Degrees North Lattitude..
Made something like this, can anyone verify?
And any reccomendations for TGA beans for this OUTDOOR op.

80lbs Worm Castings
6 ROOTS Organic Potting Soil
1 Large N' Chunky Perlite
1 Bale 3.8 cu ft ProMIX HP
5 lbs Budswel 0-7-0 powder
20 lbs BOKASHI
Down to Earth
a) Blood Meal 5 lbs
b) Fish Bone Meal 5 lbs
c) GreenSand ??? not sure amount
d) Oyster Shell ???
f) Kelp Meal ???
g) Granular AZOMITE (1/2 cup)
h) Granular Humic acid??? or alternative ANCIENT FORREST by GENERAL HYDROPONIC
i) Granular Endo/Ecto Mychrorrize

What are your thoughts on....
adding Kelp Meal and how much?
Using GreenSand and Oysterhell instead of SweetLime, or use all together?
Using Granular instead of Powdered Azomite and Humic acid;How much to use?


Well-Known Member
Hi Herbs,

I'd stick to Sub's revised 2010 recipe, easy and works good. I've used it outdoor in Hawaii with fabulous results. The mix is pretty hot as is, so I doubt you'll need any additives. Just mix good, cook and water. You can add some molasses to your water, but thats all ya need. I usually divide by 4 and it fills one garbage can. Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member

What store did you buy the ingredients for the soil? Also did you add more dolomite to compensate for Hawaii acid rain? I live in East Hawaii and since Kilauea is so close we get acid rain.