Subcool's The Morning Show/Weed Nerd ???


Well-Known Member
damn.....that long ass comment just got zapped into cyber space......sheesh it was good too! I'll have to retype it later...gotta go water......


Well-Known Member
i want to see these shows. i have a new ipod touch and it has nothing fun on it. im not a huge fan of the mp3, being a huge oldschool vinyl junkie, records and cassette tapes are my forte. i would like to downlod them and watch them!!! any links would be HIGHLY appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
ok I finally got time to re-type my comment. I saw the morning shows yesterday, watched em' all. so I'm all caught up. I didn't know(never heard you speak) you were a southern boy....I'm from Florida in the panhandle, good ol' boys everywhere! haha. Yopu are close to my age too, so your taste in music is the same as mine. Hell, when I turned it on yesterday, I was listening to Marshall Tucker. Anyway, I thought the whole thing was pretty cool, I'll be wake-n-baking with ya, whenever it's on now.
I learned something already too, which is the main reason I want to watch it, to learn and improve my grows. I always picked my male plants from the ones that showed sex later than earlier, but I never did it for the reasons you makes perfect sense. I did use a male recently, that showed sex first, and had other traits Im liked, and it didn't do good at all. All the offspring was vigorous, but not potent. Now I know why!! Thanks for the info your sharing, and I'm listening intently to learn.


Thank you Subcool. Big fan of your "Morning Show", and "Weed Nerd" episodes. It's educational, fun, and great to hear from someone with your experience. A real treat, hopefully you keep producing them. I wish I could listen to it on my morning commute. Stick with it, you are a natural behind the mic.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Sub Weed Nerd is great keep it up. You have gotten better from the first show. Will you ever do guest inter views on your show? Aloha