Subliminal advertisment


Well-Known Member
When I first took 2 hits of LSD I remember watching TV and noticing how fucked up television is...

So much hidden messages you see when your on LSD and so much fucking vulgar profound garbage on kids shows.
I remember in almost every show I watched adult or kid that I was being talked down to...

The hidden messages where in alot of shows and commercials everyone in the room was just zoning out on the
TV when all of a sudden we all see flashes of images on every other commercial.

Besides that I watched Its always sunny in Philadelphia.. great show while high.

Shrooms was a different story :) It just made certain shows very interesting and other shows really boring.


Well-Known Member
When I first took 2 hits of LSD I remember watching TV and noticing how fucked up television is...

So much hidden messages you see when your on LSD and so much fucking vulgar profound garbage on kids shows.
I remember in almost every show I watched adult or kid that I was being talked down to...

The hidden messages where in alot of shows and commercials everyone in the room was just zoning out on the
TV when all of a sudden we all see flashes of images on every other commercial.

Besides that I watched Its always sunny in Philadelphia.. great show while high.

Shrooms was a different story :) It just made certain shows very interesting and other shows really boring.
The first time I ever did lucy I was playing Halo 3 and I was convinced that I was Master Chief in Halo. It was the best trip I've had.


Well-Known Member
The first time I ever did lucy I was playing Halo 3 and I was convinced that I was Master Chief in Halo. It was the best trip I've had.
Have yet to play video games while tripping I did play super mario though on shrooms the 8-bit music sent me into a trance :D

Wow, that was deep. That would be an interesting to do list.
Dooo it :) T.V is so trippy.. switch through until you find something that catches your eye then just sit there mind fucked
"This was never this trip... but how...."


Well-Known Member
you can understand why they used to give soldiers LSD after you play halo on LSD. the spectacular graphics go away and you are IN the game. its nuts, every move: tactical and clever, every maneuver is flawless, every shot is a headshot, everything makes more sense on LSD.
Crazy movie


Well-Known Member
Yes every time I trip, the following weeks all I hear on TV and see on food wrappers/cups is "DELICIOUS" and "BUY THIS!" and "TASTE GOOD", all the slogans on commercials these days are "taste so good" and "i'm loving it", "i LOVE me some ME time", "good mood food", "love that chicken from popeyes", its like come the fuck on, I know its difficult to be original on TV but its a god damn, think of something else.


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed that too, if you watch an emotionally packed movie like 'wristcutters' or 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' on lsd. Both EXTREMELY quirky, subliminal movies.. Even alice in wonderland, old or new.. Olders better in my opinion. I cant even stand the gayness of the new one lol it just makes me look down on society in general on lsd. Im sure you all know what I mean.

But yeah next time you drop either watch wristcutters or ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND
Lemmme say it again


Seriously you'll flip tits and cry.


Well-Known Member
Anyways lol wathcing tv never really works out for me, but eery now and then I get myself too and break down EVERYTHING. Dxm is what messes with it. It'll make the most normal movie ever seem like some weird ass.. Like you'll see how the set is set up, youll know where all the cameras are, you can almost hear people talking in the backround giving signals

If you havent seen 'lovely bones' I suggest that too. Sober, its GAY AS FUCK. So I have to warn you. But no its the downright most trippy thing that I have EVER seen. I forgot to add that one in there.

I might just get really baked and watch that tonight, which do you think? I was thinking about Cabin Boy, or Lovely Bones...


Well-Known Member
esotsm is probably my all time favorite, but I highly recommend Garden State for trippers to watch. fucking absolutely nuts.

clever cinematography


Well-Known Member
esotsm is probably my all time favorite, but I highly recommend Garden State for trippers to watch. fucking absolutely nuts.

clever cinematography
Is it worth buying? Or renting? Im thinking of making this night a movie night. Whats the plot :p


Well-Known Member
its the dude from scrubs, and he's famous in the movie for being an actor... his mom dies and he goes back to his hometown for her funeral, all his buddies from being a kid grew up to be drug addicts / bums, one of them made millions selling some stupid copyright or some shit, but he has a bunch of partying friends, he takes all these crazy drugs and goes to the doctor because his psychologist his entire life was his father, so his opinion and ability to be open was slanted. he runs into a nutcase at the psychologist who's in love with him for being an actor, and he's so lost from the drugs and his mom dying, he ends up getting sucked into her life and she is fucking looney. It's worth renting at least.

I personally, illegally download all my shit. :(


Well-Known Member
its the dude from scrubs, and he's famous in the movie for being an actor... his mom dies and he goes back to his hometown for her funeral, all his buddies from being a kid grew up to be drug addicts / bums, one of them made millions selling some stupid copyright or some shit, but he has a bunch of partying friends, he takes all these crazy drugs and goes to the doctor because his psychologist his entire life was his father, so his opinion and ability to be open was slanted. he runs into a nutcase at the psychologist who's in love with him for being an actor, and he's so lost from the drugs and his mom dying, he ends up getting sucked into her life and she is fucking looney. It's worth renting at least.

I personally, illegally download all my shit.
Is this from ectoplasm? Jesus that sounds intense. Ima get that one tongiht then lol I have netflix see.. Theres reasons how the moneys forked up :p its worth buying really, illegally downloading takes way to long, and I almost got my internet banned from fuckin at&t for that shit so many times. But I used to be stupid and download obviously 'being watched' torrents


Well-Known Member
yeah I've been playing the torrents pretty clean for the last five years. needless to say, I quickly filled up my 1.5 tb on my htpc. 80gigs of seinfeld alone!


Well-Known Member
yeah I've been playing the torrents pretty clean for the last five years. needless to say, I quickly filled up my 1.5 tb on my htpc. 80gigs of seinfeld alone!​

Jesus fucking... Wow. Lol I love sienfeld but jesus christ Ive probably seen all of them a million times


Well-Known Member
I always wondered if you have tivo or dvr, when you skip through the commercials at top speed, aren't you recieving sublyminal messages?

its always suuny is great while tripping, i recorded the one where charly trips on acid in his greenman suit, priceless especially while tripping yourself.


Well-Known Member
its always suuny is great while tripping, i recorded the one where charly trips on acid in his greenman suit, priceless especially while tripping yourself.
Hard to believe thats liek my favorite show and Ive never watched it tripping, it just never seemed trippy to me, I'll definitely try though :p I never really break out the tv while tripping anyways liek I said before


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe thats liek my favorite show and Ive never watched it tripping, it just never seemed trippy to me, I'll definitely try though :p I never really break out the tv while tripping anyways liek I said before
It's a good show to watch high :)

I first watched it when tripping on LSD... everyone else in the room didn't understand the concept of the comedy and improved.
funny shit xD


Well-Known Member
It's a good show to watch high

I first watched it when tripping on LSD... everyone else in the room didn't understand the concept of the comedy and improved.
funny shit xD
Oh god, I watch it high constantly.. It just CRACKS ME UP! I remember on the one where they were making a band, I was just laughing so goddamn hard that I thought the cops were gonna be called for a noise complaint. Legitimately too. I was scared. I was CRACKIGN UP, just obnoxiously, then again that was the one of the nights where you jsut get way way to high. But it was the first time after a very very long break.. I just.. Even when I turned the tv off I still couldnt stop laughing because it just kept replaying in my head..

It happened once with south park too, I was really high one of the first times I smoked legal incense weed haha this stuff called md 5 I think is what I had? Anyways, the human centipad one.. The aprt where cartman was on the maury show and was like "MY MOM FUCKED ME!" and everyones like "OH MY GOD YOUR MOTHER FUCKED YOU?!" And hes just like "YEAH SHE FUCKED ME ON CHRISTMAS, SHE FUCKED ME ON MY BIRTHDAY!!" and all he was talking about was how she fucked him out of buying a wii or something retarded, but everyone was taking it sexually and got so offended.. Thats when I had to turn it off.. I laughed for literally like 30 minutes obnoxiously, thank god I was alone.. Countless spilled drinks.. Jesus, that IS the hardest Ive ever laughed in my life.. Tripping, everything else no.. I was just stoned, fucking died laughing.