Suburban Backyard, Possible Security Breach


Well-Known Member
Invite him over for some beers, then club him one on the head enough to send him to the hospital for two or three months, nothing too serious. Drop him off at the local salvation army soup line.


Well-Known Member
Get some really really really bad swag. Cut it with catnip to make it even more harsh. Then give that to him, all proud, and say you harvest and that's a sample of what you got!


Well-Known Member
Get some really really really bad swag. Cut it with catnip to make it even more harsh. Then give that to him, all proud, and say you harvest and that's a sample of what you got!
HAHA i do grow lots o catnip too, it makes a WONDERFUL tea.

But why would i give him a sample of my harvest at all?

The dude and me had a fallout, we dont have a bad grudge or least that i know of.
Its just the dude is a thief.
Hes never stolen from me, but i wouldnt put it past him now.


Well-Known Member
i think the razor wires the best idea ive read so far. i mean i dont want anyone to get sliced up, but it should intimidate any trespassers

also chicken wire around the plant as a deterrent and to keep it safe from your guard dog (i did hear you had a dog right?)

i can imagine it would suck sleeping in a tent for 8 weeks waiting for harvest


watch adding too many lights near the plant, I've seen half of plants, where ever the light hits stay in veg while the rest of the plant flowers... can be a real bummer


Well-Known Member
i think the razor wires the best idea ive read so far. i mean i dont want anyone to get sliced up, but it should intimidate any trespassers

also chicken wire around the plant as a deterrent and to keep it safe from your guard dog (i did hear you had a dog right?)

i can imagine it would suck sleeping in a tent for 8 weeks waiting for harvest
Plus, aside from being cut up...even the chicken wire secured well would slow down any theft.

Like if he showed up w/o wire cutters planning on just taking what he could grab, he'll be deterred.


i think the razor wires the best idea ive read so far. i mean i dont want anyone to get sliced up, but it should intimidate any trespassers

also chicken wire around the plant as a deterrent and to keep it safe from your guard dog (i did hear you had a dog right?)

i can imagine it would suck sleeping in a tent for 8 weeks waiting for harvest

Are your dogs out back all the time or do they sleep inside? They are good for at least warning you that something is up even if they aren't attack/guard dogs.

I'd definitely put a line of razor wire around the top-outside of the fence. Nothing too obvious. not like a prison or something. Too mush could draw more attention from randoms that you dont need. At least if someone does try to hop the fence hopefully they will cut themselves up and you could get a solid DNA sample for the crime squad to work with. Ha!

Maybe some sort of trip-wire alert system around the plants themselves? They also have cameras and motion detectors that will email you or text your phone when they are tripped. You could stay in your bed or even go out for dinner every once in a while. Not that expensive either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah some sorta wire on the fence would be a good idea, ill have to set that up.
If he got sliced up it would automaticly deter most people, and if it didnt im sure that either me or my doggy would here the sound of someone making a "in pain" noise.

Well sleeping in the back dosnt sound WONDERFUL, but id do anything to secure my harvest....almost anything.


if u knew for sure this guy is going to steal u stuff you could sabotage it and make the smoke real bad with chemicals or something

that would be funny if he smoked it and got sick because he stole bad MJ

im just kidding though i dont endorse this
I am with guest420 lmao. I dont know what a about a tent on your patio so he thinks there some one there or a fake camera.


Well-Known Member
Are your dogs out back all the time or do they sleep inside? They are good for at least warning you that something is up even if they aren't attack/guard dogs.

I'd definitely put a line of razor wire around the top-outside of the fence. Nothing too obvious. not like a prison or something. Too mush could draw more attention from randoms that you dont need. At least if someone does try to hop the fence hopefully they will cut themselves up and you could get a solid DNA sample for the crime squad to work with. Ha!

Maybe some sort of trip-wire alert system around the plants themselves? They also have cameras and motion detectors that will email you or text your phone when they are tripped. You could stay in your bed or even go out for dinner every once in a while. Not that expensive either.
They sleep where i sleep honestly, but one of them is damn protective and goes crazy if she hears somthing, she also knows "get em" and "what is it" very well.
They other one just follows along.
Thell sleep outside the tent.

Imma definetly hook up some wire.

I dont know about cameras and getting high tech and shit.


Well-Known Member
Maybe some sort of trip-wire alert system around the plants themselves? They also have cameras and motion detectors that will email you or text your phone when they are tripped. You could stay in your bed or even go out for dinner every once in a while. Not that expensive either.
even set up strings that could be confused as trip wires to make him think twice.

damn if this were my concern it would be like that book about the hunter who hunts people with anyone who came into my yard


Well-Known Member
I had a good idea.
Along with a small trip of bob wire right below the top of it on the back, how bout s few bells?
And itd be very easy to train my dog to know what that means, and we will both wake up for sure.
I like it
