Sugar black Rose


It took me some time to sit on the computer and write down a report about my last years grow, mostly because of the devastating season and really poor crop. But i think this strain deserves some writing:
I got these seeds as freebies from Original sensible (, and decided to give them a go. i planted 4 seeds, all of them sprouted and started growing nicely. I placed 3 of them on one spot, and 1 on another spot not far from the first 3. but on a much higher ground. It was a good call because there was a huge flood, and my lower plants ended up under water, and only the plant on the hill survived. And what a plant it was! Around 2 meter high, wide and bushy, and despite the non stop rain with almost no sun it had just some minor mold issue (95% of my other plants were destroyed by mold). It took her around 6-7 weeks to complete flowering (although it would be best if i let her go for another 2 weeks, but the forecast was 2 weeks of rain, so I pulled it out earlier to prevent a complete disaster), and after trimming and drying i got around 450g of top quality dry buds from just that plant! Buds are not big, but dense, sticky, and with a incredibly nice aroma (they smell like some exotic flower with a hint of chocolate). And the smoke - my personal best, i have never tried something so sweet and relaxing, you can actually feel some of the chocolaty flavor while smoking. It is rather strong, but without the couch locking effect, much more social than the other indicas.
It takes little care, has a great response to topping, can withstand some incredible amount of water (lower branches were in the water during the flood, and didn't even get moldy) and i can say it's one of the best outdoor plants i ever had!



Well-Known Member
Very Nice! I have a few of these beans for next season's grow. I like to hear how hardy the plants are. Great Pics.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Looks pretty nice to me! :D thanks for sharing your experience I think I have one of those from a promo back this year.


Well-Known Member
That plant looks so cold, next grow try some hotter weather or grow indoors
still a credit to you, that you got so far,
and mold free too
..still I'd be increasing air flow by removing all that under growth below the drip line
and any trash in the area, just to improve the breeze way


Funny thing is that I live in a rather hot climate, but last year was below any average, with around 60-70% of cold and rainy days during the warm part of the year. Usually there is no more then 10% of rainy days, sometimes even less! So the season was devastating, none of my friends had any crop, all of their plants died. This one has some serious resistance to cold and rainy days, especially if you have time to shake the buds after the rain and remove all the mold as soon as it appears. And i must say, i quite liked the purple colors of buds before cutting!