Sugarcane guerilla grow


Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone had information on growing in sugarcane? It would be a first time grow for me, so any rookie tips or advice would be appericiated.

I have explored several potentialy good spots to grow weed in the sugarcane fields where I live. I'm not necessarily into growing in the sugarcane soil, but more interested in growing the sweet tastes of organic buds, remote and camoflaged by the ever so dense cane fields.

Most of the areas scouted out were perposely near irrigation channels and canals incase the grow area needs manual watering. However, I have been trying to brainstorm on ideas which could utilize the automatic watering systems the cane fields use.

One idea was to burry some sort of container, plastic bag, or something that will allow propper dranage while seperating the non organic cain soil from my organic soil. If anything, hopefully I gan get away with growing them in containers and watering by hand once or twice a week.

I have reaserched quite a bit of corn guerilla grow ops, but nobody has mentioned anything about growing organic buds.

What do you guys think? Any special tips on guerilla growing, especialy in sugarcane? Any ideas on easily transported and consealable containers, or methods of planting?

Thank you


Active Member
Start much earlier in the year or start indoors now for next season. I have a outdoor one but and going to be starting 6 plants inside and they will stay inside till April/May. Chances are if you are not already up and going you missed your chance outside here in the Pacific Northwest it flowering is only 2.5-3.5 weeks away. I wish there was more time to veg. I only 6 or 7 non cloudy/raining days since the last week of May. I hope it works out for you.


Well-Known Member
i agree dnt start till next year. cant give u any tips on the sugarcane field ive know ppl that have grown in corn field be4 but if ur going to grow there make sure u move them out be4 they harvest the cane one of my buddy's lost a nice plant to a corn harvester once and just a recomendation i wouldnt do it in any farmed field. if your goin guerilla find a nice spot in a dense patch of woods thats not heavily traveled and do it there. make sure it gets descent sun though. if you want to go organic your not going to be able to prevent all the chemical nutrient that are pumped into those feilds from getting into your plant. so i would really consider a new spot if i were you. being that its ur first grow u might make some mistakes but each year is a learning and you keep getting better. oh and an easily transportable conainer woulb be either a 5 gal bucket (might be kinda heavy) or a fairly large garden pot make sure u dnt use to small a garden pot or your plant wnt grow to its potential(heres a good organic soil recipe ive heard great reveiw and am going to try it myself next year)


Thanks for the advice guys! I live in hawaii, so I'm sure I can grow year round, but obviously there are still seasons. I'm leaning towards growing in pots concealed by the cane fields. They only harvest sugarcan every 18 to 24 months, so as long as I can time that correctly, I should be ok... I'll have to run it past the hawaii growing forum.

@Mr.Marijuana420, thanks for the soil recipe! Im down to give that a shot!


Active Member
If those pics could come with a map as we'll jk I got pot outside and I belive this is the last year I do them. I already started digging holes for next year 3x4x3 holes are a bitch to dig when you got alot of them The are so much better than even 10 gal pots .