Sunlight and LightBulb


Active Member
Well hey guys, umm I got a quick question. Well my plant is around 7 inches tall right now and it seems to grow really fast. I was wondering if this is bad for the plants in the future, cause it seems to be good for them right now. Everyday at 12pm i take the plant out for sunlight until 7pm. Than I would give them light from my 100w light from 7pm to 7am. Than repeat the process.


Well-Known Member
why don't you just buy a couple more cfls and get the plants under them. moving a flowering plant is not a good thing also


Well-Known Member
anytime man.btw what strain is the plant man? you can put more info for ya grow op and pics can start a grow journal if ya want.


Well-Known Member
Well hey guys, umm I got a quick question. Well my plant is around 7 inches tall right now and it seems to grow really fast. I was wondering if this is bad for the plants in the future, cause it seems to be good for them right now. Everyday at 12pm i take the plant out for sunlight until 7pm. Than I would give them light from my 100w light from 7pm to 7am. Than repeat the process.
Am I missing something? Where do they go from 7am-12pm? you say at 12pm you take them out, then in at 7pm-7am under light. and then repeat. ??????? WTF? LOL


Well-Known Member
his plants are seeing the world! LOL
hahahah, lol. i use to do this semi indoors myself. i wasn't satisfied from the results in the grow.i had a plant that sprouted and i put it in my room with my flowering plant for 12 hours and then move it to the balcony.the plant was male btw.....end of


Well-Known Member
Just avoid drastic changes, inside dry, outside humid, cool breeze, no.....well you get it. I'm not an expert, but I know any change can shock any plant, and screw it up. :(