Super heroes and villains


Well-Known Member
what do you mean WILL THER?????? they live amongst us now................Firefighters............Joe Blow how see's a wreck and saves a life.......................Men who died in any war...fighting for what the belived in...............Villians like Hitler...PoPop........Bush........Heros like a woman fighting for her kids at the risk of dieing..............The man that takes time to be be kind to a homeless person.....................the woman that Puts herself on the witness stand and relives her ordeal of being raped.........look around you..............they are here...and very very real......................But Batman is kick ass.


Well-Known Member
yeah some states have a superhero registry, but i dont think its actually run by the state in any way...

i saw a show on g4 (cant remeber what it was called something underground i think) and in an episode they talk to abunch of vigillantes who dress up like superheros and actually fight crime. and kick ass at it to. some have secrit identities ans shit crazy world we live in , kick ass might as well have been based on true stories all across america