Super Lemon Haze/Arjan's Strawberry Haze - CFL - Soil

So this is my first grow, I have one Super Lemon Haze seed, and one Arjan's Strawberry Haze, both from Greenhouse.

Although this is my first grow, I've been lurking around for a few weeks, reading EVERYTHING in sight, and I found a great SLH journal I'm trying to follow somewhat closely (couldn't get the same soil/nutes, i think he used a Canadian brand?).

My setup is going to be two five gallon pots, Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, Grow Big and Big Bloom nutrients.

For lighting right now I have around 12 26watt CFL's (2700k) and a few of the 6500k too. The lighting will probably end up being added to throughout the grow, just not at the moment.

At the moment I don't have the lights hooked up, mainly because I haven't even germinated the seeds yet, but I'll be starting that tonight!

I'll try to update this journal at least once a week, but no promises! :P And anyone/everyone feel free to post here, tips and advice are much appreciated!
All right, they've been in soil for a little over 24 hours, the strawberry is showing a little sprout! Lemon isn't doing anything so far, but it's only been a day. I have them in Solo cups with plastic wrap on the top, i watered the soil down before I dropped the seedlings in, and then a bit on top of the dirt I covered them with. Now I know why so many people over water! It's been hell forcing myself to not water them constantly, I feel like I should be doing something!
They're in plastic cups now, I'm going to pick up some 5 gallon pots for them in the next few days.
Well, I guess that's all the update for today.
also, how do i post pics?

edit: figured it out! ;P


Well, it's been about a weekish i think, they're lookin good, just gave 'em some water+big bloom (supposedly it doesn't burn plants?). Now i've got 6 23 or 26 (can't remember which) watt 6500k cfl's on 'em, still need to get bigger pots...

