Super pissed


Well-Known Member
Ya I was thinkin bout makin some wax out of the not so bad junk and using the old ladies annoying brother as the guinea pig...LMAO.:eyesmoke:..JK..... probably got 1/2 to 1 oz bud with a ton of sweet leaf and fans to go with...It's just white mold so I don't believe it to be toxic .....But I'll bed damn if the shit don't look Identical to the shit in the co2 bags,,,,,I've grown alot of shrooms and am pretty familiar with the reproductive processes of spores and mycelial processes......Im not saying it is, but I could see it as a possibility...My room run's around 62%rh.....Does "FLUFFING" your weed have ny negative impacts? How often should that be done on dense nugs? Would it not be better to run dehumidifier? I really don't wanna have to finger fuck my budz if ya kno what I mean?
Anywayz all was not lost so far, this what I save off the plant


Well-Known Member
....and even more interesting is that the mold(depending on strain) can actually grow in your lungs too ...stay sharp
That is very true ...Might take a sample and put it under a scope in a futile attempt to identify....Maybe I can use the ol process of elimination ... But I am definately keeping an eye on it drying


Well-Known Member
I agree with the be careful, with that being said there are a couple of threads for eliminating mold after harvest. I'm not trying any of it but might be worth a shot if your going to butter or oil it. In fact Green Cure says it can be used after harvest. Point is even if making butter I'd at least kill the mold first. Good Luck