Supercropping gone wrong.


Well-Known Member
if you bend it to much and it snaps on the top and opens up and is barley hanging on but still growing. Were the bend is it is a dark brown dying kinda look but it in 1 day it started to reach back up to the light. Kinda hard to get a picture. So small and gotta get a different camera just broke my phones camera. But basically did I push(bend)them to far, to the point where it might live for a few daya but just die? This is my first real attempt at it other grows I just said fuck it becaise I didnt do it in time.


Active Member
Keep a bottle of honey around. It's an excellent healer. It works as a natural preservative. I had a big ball of poly vinal up high three days ago that fell down into the garden. It split a 3 foot plant in half by breaking at the main stem. The plant had been that way for at least 5 hours. I slapped honey all in and around the exposed areas and wired it back together. She's good as new today.


Active Member
I should give credit to the writer Greg Green who wrote "The Cannabis Grow Bible". When I first started this I had plenty of freaking time to read it cover to cover. Green is miticulous about everything in growing from A to Z. When I first read his book I didn't have a thing but crappy lights and bag seed. It's nice to have spent the time reading it over and over so sometimes things like using honey just pop into my head. The book is well worth the read.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the Cannabis Grow Bible is a great book it covers almost all concepts, and is awesome when you have a problem.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
I have this book... I think the layout of it stupid!
Why do i have to skip to page 103 for seeds and clones??
Figure that hed follow the life cycle.
I like Cervantes indoor bible better, but Greg has a GREAT breeding chapter.


Well-Known Member
Just tape it back together if you don't have honey. I have never used honey but would without question. Just never had it handy when shit happens.


Well-Known Member
I have this book... I think the layout of it stupid!
Why do i have to skip to page 103 for seeds and clones??
Figure that hed follow the life cycle.
I like Cervantes indoor bible better, but Greg has a GREAT breeding chapter.
YES! I learned most of what i know about breeding from his book, but he could have done a lot more info on Hydroponics i was disappointed with that.


Well-Known Member
Just tape it back together if you don't have honey. I have never used honey but would without question. Just never had it handy when shit happens.
Spot on hot rod. I have had a few run ins with tree trunks splitting. DUCT TAPE works very well!


Active Member
I've put Clonex in the wound and taped it back up. worked great. Honey also does the job as Medicine4Me said
Rooting hormone into a broken branch huh don't see how this would make a difference but prob didn't hurt I usually have duct tape laying around so I use that plus the plants might absorb some salicylic acid from the tape which stimulates growth she will make it


Well-Known Member
i didnt understand the roots hormone either, i was thining it might shoot out roots or something up therer:lol: haha but she healed up fine and is looking good.


Active Member
They are much more resilliant than most people think they can take a good amount of abuse I tripped in the garden last night and landed ass first in one of my containers and totally bent my plant to the ground from the roots up I just propped her back up gave her a feeding she was doing fine this morn. Always scary when it happens tho


Active Member
That happened to a bunch of branches on my plant...they were too big for it when i did it, but they had to fit under a scrog...they healed just fine, and have huge calluses where they broke, making the stems absurdly thick. If you want to to heal faster, you could tape it...i wouldnt recommend duct tape, but paper tape should work fine...could even make a splint out of a popsicle stick.


I used the clonex in hopes to help seal up the wound. Didn't have any problems when I did this but seems like the tape was all I had needed