Supplying Dispensaries


Well-Known Member
according to the legislature, dispensaries can buy up to 30% of their product from outside growers. the applications i've looked at distiguish between caregivers and dispensaries, but as far as i can tell there isn't a catagory for growers supplying only dispensaries. anyone know how this will work?


Active Member
It looks to me like there will be no dispensary's. However if there are the only option is to donate your product to them. It is illegal for them to compensate you for the marijuana. If they wanted to they could hire you to work for them so you could get a check but there is no way to get paid growing for a dispensary without you working for them.


Well-Known Member
i read that they've delayed taking dispensary applications, but it looked as though they were still taking applications for patients / caregivers. is that part of the legislature going forward?


Active Member
Have you read the new memo from the US attorney general? I think that anyone who attempts to open a dispensary from now on is making a mistake. The only people who are protected under the new memo are patients and their care givers. I will post the memo in a new thread because I'm surprised nobody is talking about it.