Support HR 5843 and HR 5842

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
Summary of HR 5843

An Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults,” sponsored by U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.), would eliminate federal penalties for the possession or not-for-profit transfer of small amounts of marijuana. The bill would remove federal penalties at the federal level only: (1) possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana and (2) the not-for-profit transfer of one ounce (28.3 grams) of marijuana. Additionally, this legislation would provide for a civil penalty of $100 for the public use of marijuana.

http://www. house. gov/frank/hr5843summary. html


5842: Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act

Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act - Transfers marijuana from schedule I to schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act.

Visit http://www. rallycongress. com/hr5843/1114/ to support these bills.


New Member
I saw Barney Frank in a TV interview a few months ago where he discussed this proposal. He said that he doesn't give much hope for passage ... but at least its on the table.

Until such time as the AVERAGE American gets totally fed up with the amounts of taxpayer money going to support prisons to house non-violent criminals, nothing will change.


Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act goes before the voters in 2010. It would put marijuana in liquor stores, tax it and allow growth for medical and industrial use. I think that one has a VERY good chance of passing.


New Member
The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act goes before the voters in 2010. It would put marijuana in liquor stores, tax it and allow growth for medical and industrial use. I think that one has a VERY good chance of passing.
Sounds good ... on the surface. BUT, real justice would be for the government to just back completely out of the marijuana business. In a truly free society, it is none of the government's business what an individual grows, smokes, or ingests, as long as the rights of another are not violated in the process.



New Member
and a pimp....Bump....and a liar.....Bump....just unpatriotic, and conniving ....Bump......and dishonest, and insincere.....Bump........I could go on and on.......Bump


Well-Known Member
Barney Franks a greedy loser....Bump......Fuck him.......Bump
and a pimp....Bump....and a liar.....Bump....just unpatriotic, and conniving ....Bump......and dishonest, and insincere.....Bump........I could go on and on.......Bump
Pretty much, he'd say whatever it took to get elected, to get elected.....pmuB
In summary, Barney Frank, you conniver, any time, any can kiss my ass.kiss-ass

This last cycle with republicans has shown that Homosexuality is Universal.
Then you take issue with democrats saying anything to get elected.
Like Republicans don't? Please.
If someone pulled on your shoulders, would there be a loud pop as your head exits your rectum?
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Well-Known Member
I saw Barney Franks on Real Time with Bill Maher. He talked about introducing his Bill and yes, he didn't seem too optimistic about it. He said it's time for the Legislators' to get in touch with reality. I mean, come on. I am pretty certain that there are pot smokers sitting in those congressional and senate seats who indulge in marijuana use. BUT I GUESS THEY HAVE THEIR FINGERS ON THE PULSE OF EVERY AMERICAN and know that decriminalizing pot would be a very bad thing. I'd bet that at least 90% of Americans smoke dope, (I'm including those who are too fearful to admit it). Legalize it, sell it in liquor stores, 7-11s, gas stations........Tax it. I wouldn't mind that tax. Hell, they could fund a free health care system and programs that help those in need. I intend to make my representatives aware of my opinion. I hope you do too!

Peace out! :peace:


New Member
Why tax it? Why have the government involved in marijuana use at all? We The People should be free to grow any plant we want to grow ... and smoke it if we want to.

Its amazing how Americans have been indoctrinated to believe that government has to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Our government monopolized school systems, and those who run it, have been very successful in their endeavor to brainwash the people ... no doubt.




Well-Known Member
Why tax it? Why have the government involved in marijuana use at all? We The People should be free to grow any plant we want to grow ... and smoke it if we want to.

Its amazing how Americans have been indoctrinated to believe that government has to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Our government monopolized school systems, and those who run it, have been very successful in their endeavor to brainwash the people ... no doubt.

I didn't find myself often agreeing with you, but damn you hit the nail on the head.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ... :)

So, there's hope for you yet? ~lol~

You'll find a common theme throughout all my political posts if you'll just try to find it.

Yup avoiding the paying of taxes.

I'm telling you that unless there is some form of Taxation of Cannabis, there will be no legalization.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
If the government lifts the prohibition of marijuana, and allowed it to be sold and taxed..... growing your own for personal use will be a given.... I just wouldn't want to grow a huge crop and then start a "herb-stand" and sell dubs next to your "fruit-stand" selling apples and peaches.... As American as that sounds... the government will never release the herb, if it doesn't benefit from it.... that's were the taxes come in...... Honestly, it's not a bad thing....... Some people will be able to grow their own, and those who can't will be able to pick up a pack of "Herboro lights" for $20 at their local 7-11, as they support our economy... and I'm just fine with that...

Get your voice heard.......... VOTE!!
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