Survey: Best Way To Get High: Glass/Paper/Wood? Hash/Bud/Keefe/THC Extract/Brownies?


Well-Known Member
someone concludes before they read... :o

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer, p.46 :joint::joint::joint:

"more than 15 million americans are affected by asthma. smoking cannabis (the "raw drug" as the AMA called it) would be beneficial for 80% of them and add 30-60 million person-years in the aggregate of extended life to current asthmatics over presently legal toxic medicines such as the Theophlline prescribed the children.

'TAKING A HIT OF MARIJUANA HAS BEEN KNOWN TO STOP A FULL BLOWN ASTHMA ATTACK.' (personal communication with dr. Donald Tashkin, dec. 12, 1989 and dec 1 1997.) the use of cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature. american doctors of the last century wrote glowing reports in medical papers that asthma sufferers of the world would "bless" idian help (cannabis) all their lives.

today of the 16 million american asthma sufferers, only Californians, with a doctor's recommendation, can legally grow and use cannabis medicines, even though it is generally the most effective treatment for asthma."

put that in your GRAVITY BONG and smoke it:o:leaf::leaf::leaf:
i have read the same thing too.. i know several people who have asthma and smoke weed. it doesnt help them tho at all.. i had one buddy who almost died from taking a gravity bong hit because of his asthma (turned blue and shit). guess for some it may work but i have not yet met a person whos asthma gets better with smoking weed. it has always been worse. i am sure it depends on the type of asthma.. maybe a vaporizer would help since it is mild smoke.


Well-Known Member
'TAKING A HIT OF marijuana HAS BEEN KNOWN TO STOP A FULL BLOWN ASTHMA ATTACK.' (personal communication with dr. Donald Tashkin, dec. 12, 1989 and dec 1 1997.) the use of cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature. american doctors of the last century wrote glowing reports in medical papers that asthma sufferers of the world would "bless" idian help (cannabis) all their lives.

It may well be good for most asthmatics. I don't know.

I'm not an asthmatic, but...I haven't smoked a joint in more than 5 years. Before that, I smoked maybe 5 joints, all from different suppliers, over a space of 20 years (I'm 36). Every hit I ever took hurt my chest. And smoking the stuff made my chest hurt for two days, and made me cough for two days.

The other day, just out of curiosity, I took a hit off my Mom's vaporizer (she uses for medical reasons). Same thing...lot's of coughing and chest hurt. It makes her cough some too, but she says it doesn't really hurt her chest much. And the vaporizer isn't too hot (temp-wise), either. In other words, it's vapor not smoke. The good I can say about it is that it didn't make me cough as long or make my chest hurt for as long as smoke would have.

As I remember, I could have ridden a bicycle a few miles before smoking, but afterward? No. Or maybe I could've, but the pain and coughing just made it seem like a terribly crappy idea. And I'm one of those that can't really get high from smoking, so it definitely wasn't due to being high.

Point I'm trying to make is, inhaling affects different people in different ways. It may be good for some asthmatics, but it can cause other people quite a lot of discomfort, even pain.


arthur sciatica

Active Member
best way: most economical and quickest result--BONG
favorite way: most satisfying, best tasting--NICE HEMP PAPER JOINT.
necessary way: with the stickest of da icky-BONG or GLASS PIPE.


Well-Known Member
I like Jack Herer, and I don't want to take a dime from him.

Still, he's no closer to perfection than I am.


Well-Known Member
thanks to floraidacity2004's post of 700 articles on medicinal marijuana, here is a list of articles on the concerns of marijuana and asthma.

The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapies

Acute and subacute bronchial effects of oral cannabinoids.

Comparison of bronchial effects of nabilone and terbutaline

Bronchial effects of aerosolized delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol

Bronchodilator effect of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol administered by aerosol

Effects of smoked marijuana in experimentally induced asthma.

marijuana and oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance

New Synthetic Delta-9-THC [COLOR=gray !important][COLOR=gray !important]Inhaler[/color][/color] Offers Safe, Rapid Delivery

Smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-THC on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects

i do prefer articles or substance over my friend or a friend of a friend


Well-Known Member
someone concludes before they read... :o

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer, p.46 :joint::joint::joint:

"more than 15 million americans are affected by asthma. smoking cannabis (the "raw drug" as the AMA called it) would be beneficial for 80% of them and add 30-60 million person-years in the aggregate of extended life to current asthmatics over presently legal toxic medicines such as the Theophlline prescribed the children.

'TAKING A HIT OF MARIJUANA HAS BEEN KNOWN TO STOP A FULL BLOWN ASTHMA ATTACK.' (personal communication with dr. Donald Tashkin, dec. 12, 1989 and dec 1 1997.) the use of cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature. american doctors of the last century wrote glowing reports in medical papers that asthma sufferers of the world would "bless" idian help (cannabis) all their lives.

today of the 16 million american asthma sufferers, only Californians, with a doctor's recommendation, can legally grow and use cannabis medicines, even though it is generally the most effective treatment for asthma."

put that in your GRAVITY BONG and smoke it:o:leaf::leaf::leaf:
so that means i should fill my lungs with so much weed and cant breathe or catch my breath than?:clap: you even have a long family line of asthma related deaths because i find myself needing my inhaler after i smoke.yes weed helps asthma i know this but when you smoke 3-4 dutches and 12-20 bowl packs everyday then you'll understand what i'm talking about... i cough up unnatural shit and there's always huge deposites of mucus logged in my chest only after i smoke.... explain that.


Well-Known Member
so that means i should fill my lungs with so much weed and cant breathe or catch my breath than?:clap: you even have a long family line of asthma related deaths because i find myself needing my inhaler after i smoke.yes weed helps asthma i know this but when you smoke 3-4 dutches and 12-20 bowl packs everyday then you'll understand what i'm talking about... i cough up unnatural shit and there's always huge deposites of mucus logged in my chest only after i smoke.... explain that.

thats funny. i deff exceed 12-20 bowls a day. i smoke at least a half o or more of bomb shit a week i hit the gravity bong, vap, bong, sometimes bowls and joints. i breathe just fine. i ride my bicycle and run with my dog a lot. i watch what i eat. spot smoking those dutches, they put nasty shit in your lungs. use hemp paper. no i do not come from a long line of asthma sufferers. i come from a long line of pot smokers and none of them has any cronic illnesses. maybe your parents and their parents parents should have smoked more...
weed, diet, exercise, productiveness, and positive living is a great recipe for life!!!



Well-Known Member
thats funny. i deff exceed 12-20 bowls a day. i smoke at least a half o or more of bomb shit a week i hit the gravity bong, vap, bong, sometimes bowls and joints. i breathe just fine. i ride my bicycle and run with my dog a lot. i watch what i eat. spot smoking those dutches, they put nasty shit in your lungs. use hemp paper. no i do not come from a long line of asthma sufferers. i come from a long line of pot smokers and none of them has any cronic illnesses. maybe your parents and their parents parents should have smoked more...
weed, diet, exercise, productiveness, and positive living is a great recipe for life!!!

well being that i cannot control those variables my 'Vagina lungs" dont need a gravity bong hit


New Member
ha ha...obonga. i don't have a vaporizer but i will never smoke a gravity bong again. puke! i like the bong. i've got a pipe v.s. bong poll thread somewhere.


New Member
if you smoke that dust out of your grinder that will fuck your shit up, especially if you have multiple screens.


Well-Known Member
wow that whole athsma thing is really interesting! i never knew that shit! verry cool.

as for my favorite way to smoke, it all depends, if i wanna really taste something, ya know get some realllly good shit and just fuckin... taste it ya know? you gatta use a vaporizer! only way.

now when you wanna get fuckin STONED, out of your mind, go for the bong.

when socializing its always great to smoke a joint or a blunt, but also sometimes a bowl, in which case, glass is the only way to go! wood and metal are porous and you taste more of the wood/metal than you do the weed (exagerating). as for the type of bowl, i go for the bubblers... but i just gatta have my water filtration. but on the go or in the car (whatever you do just out and about) a regular old spoon or chillum is nice.

id have to say if there was one thing i could alwayse smoke out of no matter what would deffinately be a multi perculation chamber bong, just like breathing through water and still gets you as fucked up as anything else.

as for what to smoke. whatever is around. good weed whenever you can, if hash ever pops up grab it befor someone else does!
for me personaly, food doesnt do it, maybe its just more of the pain killer aspect for me, but i just dont get stoned off it...


Well-Known Member
oh yea and kief! we always grind our shit befor smoking and by the end of the night we have a nice little pile of kief to top off the last bowl of the night! best shit man! and if you get a strait pinchy of good kief that shit will give you full body head rushes man!


New Member
fuckin head high.... save ur stems in a big bag and shake it. i had about 4 ounces and smoked the powder and got fucked up.... there was like 3 grams lol.