Swiss Chees Toxicity question (pix)


Active Member
Have a Swiss chees 5 weeks into flower, grown in straight happy frog soil and started on humbolt oneness fert after 3 weeks of veg, was giving oneness at 1/2-3/4 strength every other feed have gotten no burn on the leaves, but leaves appear to be dark green pretty sure its nitrogen toxicity, i am wanting to drop the oneness and start using Ginormous and was wondering if I should flush them first or just stop useing oneness (5 9 4) and use ginormous (0 6 16) every other watering and let the plant use up the built up N ? or will the High Nitrogen lock out the P & K ?


Well-Known Member
I think your right. It dose look like they are getting to much nitrogen, however they don't look burnt which is good. I'd stop using the Oneness and just use the Ginormous. Unless the leaves are burnt, I wouldn't bother flushing. All I see is a tiny amount of leaf tip burn on a few of the older leaves. Looks like you noticed the signs early enough that you really don't have to do much other then back off the N.


Well-Known Member
Oh and for the record, I like when the leaves are a little dark green on Indicas. Not super dark, but a nice dark green to me is a healthy well fed plant.


Well-Known Member
Well...I would just start giving a small dose of the other fert...the one without nitrogen and just see how it goes...a lot of times if you flush for something like this it makes what wasn't an issue into a huge problem that has to be dealt when next they are watered or whatever just start with the fert mentioned last in your post.