Switching lights cycles ? Nut ?


Active Member
Hey guys im a little over 3 weeks in flowering a "45" day strand. My currrent light cycle has the lights on during the hottest part of the day. I wanna go from when i'm off to being on and vice versa. Is this safe ? Plants are healthy and coming along nice.

Also I have another question before this grow I did a lot of research on making my own dank soil mix. Worm casting, bat guano, perlite, etc... my plants have been growing awesome with no signs that anything is missing. I've been using regular tap water also and again no problems. I'm growing under two 1000k air cooled hps lights. Plants are about 4-5 feet tall. My question is do I need to be adding extra blooming nutrients (ie..big bloom) ? I'm about to hit them with a dose of fish emosiom. Any input would be great. Thanks RIU!


Well-Known Member
If you want to move the light schedule one way or the other a few hours that would most likely be ok but to completely swap lights on/off?? I dont think i would do that in the middle of flowering. It would have to be DEADLY hot for me to make that switch.
And as far as the nutrients goes. You want more phosphorus for flowering. Fish emulsion is higher in nitrogen (5-2-2 ish) so i would not use that. Tiger bloom (2-8-4)would be the way to go if you want Fox Farms.


Active Member
I've been using a slight dose of fertilome blooming and rooting with is extremely high in phosporus so I will probably just stick with it . your right about the light cycle its a dangerous risk I don't need to take a chance with.


Well-Known Member
When your lights go off just make sure you give them 12-24 hrs of dark before they come back on and the plant will never know it.


Have you tried slowly acclimating your plants to the new schedule. So say you have from noon-midnight on... the next day do 1pm-1am on, then 2pm-2am on. It'll take 12 days obviously to do, but if your that far into flowering, it's better to do that and be safe with it than shock your plants and possibly ruin things. But I'm a newb so that's just a complete guess, but seems to make sense.


Well-Known Member
If you give them 24 hrs of dark then come on at the new time, there would be no stress whatsoever. Think about it like a 24 hr storm. No sun.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried slowly acclimating your plants to the new schedule. So say you have from noon-midnight on... the next day do 1pm-1am on, then 2pm-2am on. It'll take 12 days obviously to do, but if your that far into flowering, it's better to do that and be safe with it than shock your plants and possibly ruin things. But I'm a newb so that's just a complete guess, but seems to make sense.
this is no good

When your lights go off just make sure you give them 12-24 hrs of dark before they come back on and the plant will never know it.
This I've heard will work, but I'm not going to try it any time soon. Have you done this GG?


Well-Known Member
Yes I have. I had 14 plants in the flower room and 4 different stages. I was growing perpetual. Summer kicken in and room was getting to 90, so I had to turn off everything (5 1000 watt hps) and reset timers to come on from 8pm -8am They where on at 9 to 9pm. No one even noticed, not the newest in or the one that where 2 weeks from harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have. I had 14 plants in the flower room and 4 different stages. I was growing perpetual. Summer kicken in and room was getting to 90, so I had to turn off everything (5 1000 watt hps) and reset timers to come on from 8pm -8am They where on at 9 to 9pm. No one even noticed, not the newest in or the one that where 2 weeks from harvest.
good to know. tyvm:peace: