Switching To 12/12


Well-Known Member
So I have two females:) and I'm switching to 12/12 today. I have a 400W dual ballast that can use a MH or a HPS. I have both bulbs. I read somewhere that although the HPS is the best for flowering, it can be better to use the MH for the first week of flowering(12/12) in order to prevent the stretch of the plants.
Is it sound advice to use the MH for the first week or two and then switch to the HPS or should i change the HPS today and use it all through flowering?

Thanks in advance


actually, yeah, that is a good idea... also keep using veg nutes for a bit before switching to bloom nutes...


Well-Known Member
I'm using fox farms, so there feeding schedule has a week of veg nutes, mixed with a 1/2 strength start of bloom nutes. And then next week i start with strictly bloom nutes and that is when i will switch to the HPS.

Thanks for the quick response.


Well-Known Member
You know how it is, you hear so many things on the interwebs and i wanted to make sure this was in fact a good method. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
sounds good... im doing my first indoor grow and started flowering under a 400W hps and saw my plants were streatching... I was so confused... I'm definetly going to try this next time!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Keep the hps light closer to prevent the streching as well. Not too close as to hot. Put your hand on top to test the temps. I have a cooling tube cover that goes over the light so I can keep it pretty close.


Well-Known Member
I switched to the HPS today. Keeping the MH in place for the first week of 12/12 worked great, very little stretch. I only got a few inches of vertical growth. They havent shown any real flower production yet but its only been a week.
I'm sure they will stretch much more during this second week and hopefully they start to show some flower production soon. I'm so excited, I cant wait to start to see them making progress towards flowering.



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Looking good, keep that light as close as you can to prevent the strretching. You should see pre flowers soon. :peace: