

Active Member
Ive been currently lookin around for ideas on what lights I want to go with after Im done germinating my seeds under CFL's and the T5 fixtures available caught my eye.. With a 4-6 plant crop, I was hoping in the future to use a T5 for Veg with "daylights" and then switch the bulbs (or eventually get two T5's :roll:) So finally to my question..

Anybody have these lights and if so, how do they work for you?


Active Member
I'm using 3ft T5 2 blue light tubes at the moment for my veg, going to add another set of T5's to make a total of 4,however I can't find the red spectrum bulbs for the 3Ft T5's, I can only find 2Ft and 4ft? so for my flowering I think im going to have to purchase like 4 2ft T5's with red spectrum bulbs. just my issues on the T5's.