Tailoring amount of flower nutrient


Well-Known Member
So I have my outdoor going and I use dry Kool bloom the whole time In conjunction with a catalyst . I started 1/4 dose, then a half, it has them flowering as its a 2-45-28, but doesn't seem to be enough. They are in 30 gallon bags so I'm assuming I will have to build them past full strength to get the results I'm looking for since they are in bigger pots. Is this a correct assumption?

Any help would be appreciated. I couldn't find any exact information about exceeding nute limits due to pot size.


Well-Known Member
Also I only water every 5 days because that's how long it takes them to dry out. I use a feed...water...feed schedule
Hi chaps.. I've just ordered some vintage bat guano and was just wondering that when I start using it is it ok to continue with my usual nutes(bio bizz) or should I just use the guano. Also how much should I scatter on top of the soil, the directions aren't very clear. I'm fairly new to this game and any advise will be appreciate it.. Peace..


Well-Known Member
well its a 3-10-2. whats the npk of the bio bizz? i personally like the quality that guano gives you although i would recommend a full flush at the end, as always. other than that i might use some other additives with it. use something like the trinity catalyst, or look up making organic tea recipe, as guano is a favorite of mine in that department.

other than that idk, i am an organic veg, synthetic flower kinda guy. good luck
well its a 3-10-2. whats the npk of the bio bizz? i personally like the quality that guano gives you although i would recommend a full flush at the end, as always. other than that i might use some other additives with it. use something like the trinity catalyst, or look up making organic tea recipe, as guano is a favorite of mine in that department.

other than that idk, i am an organic veg, synthetic flower kinda guy. good luck
Hi. The numbers on the biobizz nutes im using are as follows: Bio Grow 8-2-6. Bio Bloom 8-6-3.5. Bio Heaven 0.91-0.18-0.24, and Fish Mix 2-6-4.
Do you think its ok to use them along with the Guano. Or should I be leaving something out, the Bio Bloom for instance as it also has a highish P level?? Also can you please advise me on how much Guano to use? I will probably be scattering it around on top of the soil and watering it in. Your advise will be much appreciated. By the way your babies look great!! Check my fruit auto out. Its my 1st ever plant, I cut it today cant wait to taste it... Cheers man..

