Take a Wild Guess

Hey Rollitup, I hate to be the guy asking THAT question, but what would be my yield at minimum from 25 plants grown in 5 Gallon Smart Pots under an 1000 Watt HPS and an 1000 Watt MH? Topped 2 or 3 times, supported with Bamboo and Trellis.


Well-Known Member
-1/4 - 1/4lb per plant
-so 6.25oz- 6.25lbs
-both of those possibilities are unreasonable but i would guess you will fall somewhere within those yields
-all of this assuming you don't drop the ball growing which comes into question because you should know asking how much am i going to get with X doesn't have a good / credible answer when it comes to this but that's the best i got

I am estimating your room size based on using 2 lights as a 4x4 or 4x8

that being said 25 plants seems excessive for the amount of training you are suggesting and the space needed for 25 5 gallon pots exceeds your optimum light foot print.
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Why so many plants? If trained and topped correctly that you could fill out your two lights with 12 plants and still get the same yield.
My friend says 25 plants would be good for my space to get the most yield, im just going off what he says, hes grown hundreds of plants very decently so I take his advice seriously. My space is 8' High x 7' Wide x 10' Deep.


Well-Known Member
About 1/25th of a pound per plant. :mrgreen:

My space is 8' High x 7' Wide x 10' Deep.

70 sq.ft. / 25 plants = 2.8sq.ft./plant
So about 1.5x1.5 ft per plant.
How much would you expect to yield from a plant in that space based on your prior experience? That's approaching micro-grow levels.


Well-Known Member
My friend says 25 plants would be good for my space to get the most yield, im just going off what he says, hes grown hundreds of plants very decently so I take his advice seriously. My space is 8' High x 7' Wide x 10' Deep.
What your friend or anyone else says is not important. If you read and gather knowledge you can answer your own questions.

Also, predicting final dry weight is nearly impossible for anyone to do, there are way to many variables...grow medium, health and vitality of plants, feeding system, watering schedule, plant SURVIVAL and many others. But I can tell you that cannabis will loose 70-90% of it's wet weight in drying and curing.

Good Luck and Great Growing.