Taking a clone outside for the summer. First Tiime, HELP!


What up RollItUp community,

New to the site, this is my first thread. I am a small time indoor grower and have never ventured outside. Until recently.... So basically here's the deal. About a month ago I took a handful of clones off my Rockstar mother. This round turned out great, despite the fact that they are all sporting the 3 leaf only curse again (still not sure why that is). Im using a mix of coco husk and perlite as my medium. They are sitting under a 60W fluorescent supplemented with 2 23w cfl's in the veg room. Now, everything indoors is going fine and dandy, the problem lies outside in my back yard. I have always been intrigued by outdoor growing so around 6 days ago I decided to take one of my clones and test it outside. I transferred it into a 1 gallon pot for the experiment and gave the new mix a dousing of water. I have read about the whole hardening off process and took the proper precautions. Or so I thought. I found a good spot out of direct sun for the first couple days and in the days following I slowly introduced it to the sun. I must say it has been quite warm the past week though, quite odd for this time of year on the west coast. Due to this heat I have increased the watering to once every 2 days at night. Now here's the problem, the leaves are staring so show signs of stress and odd discoloration starting from the center of the leaves. Its a yellow color you can see in the last couple pics. The tips are starting to go funny as well.
If anyone has any idea what the problem is, or has any pointers i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.IMG_1594[1].jpgIMG_1592[1].jpgIMG_1591[1].jpgIMG_1570[1].jpgIMG_1570[1].jpgIMG_1593[1].jpg




Well-Known Member
Coco and perlite don't have nutrients. My first thought is that if you are watering them with straight water the PH would be out of whack and there would be no nutrients.
If they are in full sun you might try puttin a shade over them so they get only the morning and afternoon sun.


Hey thanks for the reply, she's seemed to have sorted herself out. I am using a diluted nute solution because as you said there is no nutes present in my medium. My guess is she was under stress due to the change of light source. I guess I should be more gradual with my hardening off process from now on. Time for another experiment.


Active Member
she is definately rootbound the outside girls need to stretch out a bit for the roots. you need to think about some insecticideal soap. some nice looking plants though burn