Taking a Trip tonight


Active Member
Tonight to celebrate the New Year my wife and I and a friend of ours are going to take some acid :)

It's not the first time for any of us and we've all tripped together before so it should be a splendid time. Got a crazy Kinect game called Child of Eden I want to try and play when we're Rollin but nothing much really planned, just gonna go with it.

What are some things you guys like to do on Sid? Any good movies to recommend? We've watched a few good movies while tripping... Alice in Wonderland (3d in the theater!), Across the Universe (Epicly changed my life forever!), The Fall, and A Scanner Darkly.


Active Member
As far as what movies, whatever you like. It's your brain, feed it what it enjoys. I would think the last 2 Harry Potter movies would be fun. I would also try to plan some activities as just watching movies is a bit passive. The Kinnect sounds like a great excuse to wave your hands around to enjoy the persistence of vision. Sex with the wife would be highly recommended. It's all about you and your set and setting.

Have a magical time 8)


Active Member
Thanks man. I can vouche for the sex thing and activites is kinda what I'm lookin for so we're not all just sitting around waiting for someting interesting.


Well-Known Member
I always find myself tripping by myself or if I don't being inside the whole time watching something, don't get stuck doing that. Make sure you go outside and look at some stuff but don't drive anywhere.

Tripping at the beach is fun but I usually spend the night there because I don't wanna drive on acid haha. Playing videogames is fun sometimes. Especially old games like Mario.


Active Member
I always find myself tripping by myself or if I don't being inside the whole time watching something, don't get stuck doing that. Make sure you go outside and look at some stuff but don't drive anywhere.

Tripping at the beach is fun but I usually spend the night there because I don't wanna drive on acid haha. Playing videogames is fun sometimes. Especially old games like Mario.
Im the same way, but this new years i lemon tek'd some golden teachers and did a solo trip. i spent all my time outside because it feels so pure and inviting with all the trees and such.


Active Member
Started our journey 40 minutes ago. The effects are very slowly creeping in. We're playing Fruit Ninja on Kinect to start things off. Got at least 15 glow in the dark puzzles in the hallway all lit up with a black light, and the Xmas tree is running chaser lights. It's gonna be a good night!!


Active Member
2.5 hours later and I still feel the same. Shouldn't I be frying by now? We all each took two tabs.
Now we're watching tron bored


Well-Known Member
Yes.. you should have felt it minimum 20 min and deff. by an hour to hour an a half either not lsd and a RC that won't kick in till 3+ hours or it's bunk..


Well-Known Member
I always find myself tripping by myself or if I don't being inside the whole time watching something, don't get stuck doing that. Make sure you go outside and look at some stuff but don't drive anywhere.

Tripping at the beach is fun but I usually spend the night there because I don't wanna drive on acid haha. Playing videogames is fun sometimes. Especially old games like Mario.
I agree go out and explore :) as for the game part I can not seem to play games for the life of me lol