Taking clear pictures 101


Active Member
I have been perusing this site for a while and I have noticed a common problem is that a lot of pictures come out blurry. When holding a digital camera very close to a plant you want to use macro mode. This mode looks like a flower on your camera and almost every camera has it.

This is great because you can even use it to magnify your plant just by taking a pic and enlarging it on your screen.

You can only use this if you are taking really close pictures of specific leaves or buds but you will see a huge difference in the quality and clarity of the pics so people can better answer your questions.


Active Member
Even on the macro setting the camera may get confused and may not focus on the right part of the plant you want to take a picture of. I think it tries to focus on things in the background as well as foreground and it may still come out blurry. One easy solution is to hold a white piece of paper in back of your plant so that the camera just focuses on the plant. It worked for me.


Active Member
I forgot to add that you can also half press the shutter button a few times to make sure the camera focuses on the area you want.


Well-Known Member
thanks, tried macro on my cannon sd 1000 and didn't do well. How close should I be to the plant when taking this pic? Maybe my computer software sucks as well. I've had problems with it. Doesn't blow up pics either. Maybe I haven't read enough?