taking clones


Well-Known Member
i understand how to take clones, got that done, they are great...

my question is can you clone a clone? like after some time, do you even notice any difference? are there extra branches what not that you can keep cloning over and over? or does the plant just start feeling old or something?

my buddy says hes had the same mother plant for 2 years, and he keeps taking clones off of it... is that the way to do it? or clone it once, flower the original, veg the clone, clone the clone, flower clone #1, veg clone 2...

haha did i just make that sound too complex?


Well-Known Member
Sounded pretty simple to me! You can continue to clone clones, and clone clone's clones etc etc. Mother lets you keep the plant for a while and having the availability to take clones whenever. Help with space, etc, etc. Hope that helps. :-)


Well-Known Member
you can ususally clone a strain for several years before the genetics start breaking down from what I've read...if you start noticing reductions in yields that are not due to your environment its probably a safe bet its time to buy new beans :D


Well-Known Member
yea ok awesome, yea i was wondering how to go about taking clones of a 'known' female...
figured it was take a clone, flower the original, and it if it ended up female you know the clones are too
clone the original, flower the clone, and if thats female, then you a ton of more clones of the original.

guess both work
thanks guys