taking cuttings from a plant in flower?


Active Member
currently have 9 ww 5 days in flower soon as they show sex i want to clone the best 2 for mothers,would like to hear from someone who has done this succesfully,do you put them in humidity dome and do you give them 24 hour lighting from the off ,thanks in advance :peace:


Well-Known Member
yes i too have plantsin flowering and i have been pondering the details of cloning during flowering?


Well-Known Member
currently have 9 ww 5 days in flower soon as they show sex i want to clone the best 2 for mothers,would like to hear from someone who has done this succesfully,do you put them in humidity dome and do you give them 24 hour lighting from the off ,thanks in advance :peace:

hey dazz...........just a quick reply my friend...

you are able to take clones from a flowering plant:mrgreen:-it is just going to take a little longer for the cutting/clone to start producing a root system.:(..another piece of advice i would give you is to do the clone cuttings just before the light come on -this way the plant still has all its sugars etc stored at the base of the stem from the night before,this will help the cuting to generate a root system more efficiently;)...the other answere to ur question is---treat them the same as you would any other clone/cutting(humidity dome tec):mrgreen:

hope this helps you my friend
kiss-ass<<<just kidding...lol.....


Active Member
i just grew 5 plants 2 were females took 4 cuttings of each one have 8 clones in 75% pearlite 25% cloned them 2 days ago and there in a rubbermaid tub with a single cfl on 18/6 and there doing allright 80
% humidity